Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You keep brining that up but nobody has lost money to Chris Roberts. It really is a stupid point you are trying to make. There are risks in all crodwfunding, especially MMO's. The difference is with Pantheon you are willingly giving money to someone who stole crowdfunding money. Does Pantheon even have any engineers? Look at Camelot Unchained, they lost one engeineer and the entire beta has been pushed back 6 months. You think Pantheon with no money, no investors is going to be able to hire people that are probably the most important to a MMO? If they are worth a shit then they would just get scooped up by another company.
This guy lost money to Chris.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This guy lost money to Chris.
As I figured you have nothing. Here is your Pantheon money.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You are missing the point. I don't think anyone thinks that EQN is in good shape. To post in that thread saying how it doesnt look good and to post in this thread and think they are on the right track is pure fucking stupidity.
The last 2 updates for this game did look good. As opposed to firings and no updates on EQN except features being aborted. So yea, fuck off.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah I know, EQN just really rustles me because I stupidly thought it'd amount to something I might like.
I think once the whole storybricks is done was the sign it was probably the end. They couldn't stop talking about that and it ended up total vaporware. Even if they do push something out the door I would bet it will just be a rushed POS.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I just am happy that I trolled the shit out of them with a fake $10k on kickstarter. I really feel I should have waited longer to pull that rug out.
Yes, you should have. WTF, a_skeleton_03!

On another note, Carl and Khane are making this thread even better. I feel like I know this family and want to support them as best I can. Soy, can I borrow another Soybuck off you bro? I donated as much to this as I did The Grand Roberts Experiment(cue 80s theme song music). An invisible soybuck that I intend to redeem if Roberts makes good on his game. Redeem as in Soy lets me play his version of the game. Sound good Soy?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The last 2 updates for this game did look good. As opposed to firings and no updates on EQN except features being aborted. So yea, fuck off.
EQN doesn't use crowd funding. They don't need to update shit. EQN isn't trying to rob your piggy bank for future pill purchases. EQN at least has a chance to be pushed out and become a bad game. Pantheon has a chance to go into endless alpha to fund backpay, hookers and blow.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
As I figured you have nothing. Here is your Pantheon money.

I got news for you, if Chris doesn't come thru on his promises, the people who donated won't care the reason, they'll just care about the end result. Worse the product, the louder the noise and the more speculation about how the funds were used. You're throwing stones in a thread when you're obviously being duped in another.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
EQN doesn't use crowd funding. They don't need to update shit. EQN isn't trying to rob your piggy bank for future pill purchases. EQN at least has a chance to be pushed out and become a bad game. Pantheon has a chance to go into endless alpha to fund backpay, hookers and blow.
Ha. Ok... So pantheon has actually providd updates and visible content with a road map attached, You see visible progress. I know it's fun to hate, but holy shit EQN is not the game to use as a comparison right now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I like to defend this more because of the shear amount of people posting in this thread who don't even care about games like this. They won't be objective when it comes to a play style they already disapprove of.

For the record, I think this team would be better off finishing the first 20 levels and suppling a roadmap for the last 30. Show us what you're capable of doing at reasonable access price then charge the difference for other half when it's ready.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I got news for you, if Chris doesn't come thru on his promises, the people who donated won't care the reason, they'll just care about the end result. Worse the product, the louder the noise and the more speculation about how the funds were used. You're throwing stones in a thread when you're obviously being duped in another.
You keep on with this Star Citizen strawman argument. Just stop. The fact you are trying to compare the two shows you either need to take some pills or maybe stop taking pills.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ha. Ok... So pantheon has actually providd updates and visible content with a road map attached, You see visible progress. I know it's fun to hate, but holy shit EQN is not the game to use as a comparison right now.
LOL progress. Let's play spot the unity store assets. Real progress! How exactly do you make a MMO with no money or engineers?


Yeah compared to Pantheon even though I am not a huge fan of Star Citizen I would say it looks like Dom Perignon compared to the Pantheon dumpster fire.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
LOL progress. Let's play spot the unity store assets. Real progress! How exactly do you make a MMO with no money or engineers?
Here's a great example of garbage. They said months ago all assets have been replaced with in house art. Do you follow this game? At all?

They must have some money since they hired a pretty fucking good artist and they have a programmer. From what I hear from outside the project, he's pretty fucking good too. It also appears that unity has been assisting them as well.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Also this bullshit that people aren't interested in this play style are nonsense. Many people including myself would love more diversity in the MMO sphere. There is plenty of room for niche games that don't follow the WoW forumla. I would love a reskinned EQ, a game with social buffs, a game with no cash shop or cosmetics. I would love to have gear that was hard to get and stood out and everyone knew how hard it was to get. I would love my gear not reseting every 4 months and that one hard to get item could still be used a year from getting it.

I also never though of EQ having the trinity. For me it was tank,heals,dps,control. Games don't have that anymore and you jsut AE the fuck out of everything. EQ did a ton of shit right that I would love to see again but it sure the fuck aint coming from this shit show. No funding, incompetent leadership, theft!


Molten Core Raider
Ha. Ok... So pantheon has actually providd updates and visible content with a road map attached, You see visible progress. I know it's fun to hate, but holy shit EQN is not the game to use as a comparison right now.
What visible progress? There hasn't been anything remotely resembling any new visible content update in many months, probably close to a year. The last few videos have basically been regurgitating the same zone from different angles, which they haven't updated since February. Talking head potcasts do not equal progress. We haven't seen any new mechanics. Just some comments about upgrading to Unity 5 and some retouched screenshots on the post announcing JP Targete joining the team. EQN at least has the basic framework of EQL as a foundation to work from which is a shitton more than Pantheon has shown. You have been saying that they have big things coming soon (TM) for quite some time. You obviously have some inner info from some member(s) of the team. Good for you, keep up your cheerleeding but don't it expect it do anything for the rest of who saw the failed KS, the implosion of the original team, a incredibly small volunteer team who have no chance of building this game without a lot of help, no recent updates, etc.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just bc they aren't dropping updates on a level that you're ok with doesn't mean much to me. Considering they've been pretty transparent about it. And yes, I have seen visible progress. Their last 2 updates were pretty informative and shows off a higher level of quality in game. Does the world not look better? Does adding your own art not matter? I think everyone just has their own opinions of progress.

They've been saying there is a big update coming, what's the problem? I've only echoed it and the timeframe has been out there. Wait and see what it is then judge. Simple stuff.

Sorry if I'm not shitting on these guys, especially when I recognize a postive shift in the project. I don't really give a fuck what people call it, I'm fine supporting them at this point. I think they are a good crew and will produce.

Abe-plenty of people have posted they would not play a game like this. Something about time...


Molten Core Raider
Just bc they aren't dropping updates on a level that you're ok with doesn't mean much to me. Considering they've been pretty transparent about it. And yes, I have seen visible progress. Their last 2 updates were pretty informative and shows off a higher level of quality in game. Does the world not look better? Does adding your own art not matter? I think everyone just has their own opinions of progress.

They've been saying there is a big update coming, what's the problem? I've only echoed it and the timeframe has been out there. Wait and see what it is then judge. Simple stuff.

Sorry if I'm not shitting on these guys, especially when I recognize a postive shift in the project. I don't really give a fuck what people call it, I'm fine supporting them at this point. I think they are a good crew and will produce.
Good for you bro, keep on cheerleading!


Molten Core Raider
new model

Oh god. I miss this thread for like a week and this happens?

Someone caption that bullshit. I'm guessing some artist is really really tired of giving handjobs to make ends meet. and that face? It's like the hands are there to emphasize the WHY?!?