a small minority of the players will decimated it, 99 percent of everyone else will not. As long as they have shit to do outside of fucking quest hubs, im all for it. I loved eq's AA's and camping rare spawns, outside of raiding, i had a blast playing with my friends who were not in raiding guilds just helping them get good gear and fucking off with them after hours.
Probably most here have a somewhat skewed perspective as present or former mmo hardcores, but it doesn't represent the average player. Even if Pantheon does attract a higher than normal amount of that sort of player, they will still be a small segment of the playerbase.
The goal should be to keep the normal players occupied by a longer, more challenging and engaging leveling process with more stuff to achieve and collect. If the game isn't raid focused and a lot of progression depends on group content that isn't always readily available (meaning rare content, not instanced), it will keep a lot of people playing the way EQ did.
I know it's unpopular to suggest, but if players have to really work to get levels and items, and even raid content is contested and not guaranteed every time you log in, most players will endure to be among that exclusive group. That exclusivity is what set EQ apart and made it EverCrack.
Yes, people will inevitably complain about not being able to do certain things or get items in what they deem a reasonable time frame, but the alternative is being like every other game and letting everyone have everything, regardless of their skill level, guild choice, in-game decisions, or time devotion. That may bring more in, but it also makes player retention impossible.