Vanguard with EQ color paletteEQ with Vanguard color palette?
I am fairly confident that Joppa (Chris Perkins) saved Pantheon. As to whether or not he will carry it to completion remains to be seen, but it definitely seems like Joppa was the driving force for this coming back from the dead.
So here is a serious question without shitting on the game or Brad. Can someone provide any meat or substance as to what this game will actually be like without vague buzzwords like "old school", "epic", "group gameplay".
Is it going to be instanced or non? This never got a direct answer long ago did they decide by now?
Yes it will be group play but will you be able to solo play at least to the extent EQ was? Will some classes be completely boned like EQ?
Given how many of you guys like to say in the Warcraft thread that you don't have time to play MMO's these days because of kids, family, ect.. How long do you think an average session should be planned around? I mean if you only have time to 30 minute LFR WoW runs are you going to be able to handle a game that takes 15 minutes to walk to a zone?
100% Putting Brad and Crew aside there is really nothing known about what kind of game this will turn out to be, based on past experience with EQ and Vangaurd we can expect it to be similar but in all honesty if it turns out to be another Vangaurd I am going to guess that many of you will be disappointed as last time.
Like Zaide, i will plan to binge play through to max level and then anticipate 3-5 hour play sessions during weeknights and longer sessions on the weekend until i find that happy place where my character is leveled, geared, epic'd (assuming they have them), etc. and what my guild and friends are doing. Then i will either more casually level an alt, if i already haven't leveled one concurrently. All the while still doing my weekly LFR in WoW~!I can't speak for the other posters, but if raid content is not instanced then my intended playtime is probably like 24-30 hours on 4 hours off or something similar until max level, followed average sessions of 4-12 hours depending on what I'm doing.
So here is a serious question without shitting on the game or Brad. Can someone provide any meat or substance as to what this game will actually be like without vague buzzwords like "old school", "epic", "group gameplay".
Is it going to be instanced or non? This never got a direct answer long ago did they decide by now?
Yes it will be group play but will you be able to solo play at least to the extent EQ was? Will some classes be completely boned like EQ?
Given how many of you guys like to say in the Warcraft thread that you don't have time to play MMO's these days because of kids, family, ect.. How long do you think an average session should be planned around? I mean if you only have time to 30 minute LFR WoW runs are you going to be able to handle a game that takes 15 minutes to walk to a zone?
100% Putting Brad and Crew aside there is really nothing known about what kind of game this will turn out to be, based on past experience with EQ and Vangaurd we can expect it to be similar but in all honesty if it turns out to be another Vangaurd I am going to guess that many of you will be disappointed as last time.
Gonna play as time allows on the pvp server, gonna be glorious. Anyone serious about immersion should go pvp shard. PCs > NPCs for challenge
Sillius is back at daybreak i think.
So here is a serious question without shitting on the game or Brad. Can someone provide any meat or substance as to what this game will actually be like without vague buzzwords like "old school", "epic", "group gameplay".
Is it going to be instanced or non? This never got a direct answer long ago did they decide by now?
Yes it will be group play but will you be able to solo play at least to the extent EQ was? Will some classes be completely boned like EQ?
Given how many of you guys like to say in the Warcraft thread that you don't have time to play MMO's these days because of kids, family, ect.. How long do you think an average session should be planned around? I mean if you only have time to 30 minute LFR WoW runs are you going to be able to handle a game that takes 15 minutes to walk to a zone?
100% Putting Brad and Crew aside there is really nothing known about what kind of game this will turn out to be, based on past experience with EQ and Vangaurd we can expect it to be similar but in all honesty if it turns out to be another Vangaurd I am going to guess that many of you will be disappointed as last time.
Vanguard spent way too much time on solo and quest advancement. Leveling is too important to advancement in an mmo, and every other form of advancement (item, skill) can be trivialized by it. Opportunities to safely solo should be few and far between, and soloing to cap should have never been a thing. They need to put the multiplayer back into mmo.Vanguard, before it was shut down was probably the perfect mixture of group/solo. All around I liked it more than any other mmo currently available but the game had already been put into idle mode before I started playing. Alas, that version of vanguard had nothing to do with Brad so it's probably not going to be indicitave of what he's going for. It was a pretty good evolution from EQ though without being WOW lite.
I can't speak for the other posters, but if raid content is not instanced then my intended playtime is probably like 24-30 hours on 4 hours off or something similar until max level, followed average sessions of 4-12 hours depending on what I'm doing.
Yeah I would be down for a modern eq clone too. Hand crafted items that mean something, the grind, the risk vs reward. I bet if this shit is good it would even attract some of the wow fags. That is, if it's good, like eq good, not vanguard good.
Hand crafted items? You mean the utter pain of leveling blacksmithing to grandmaster so you can make... fine plate armor with less AC than mid level quest gear + drops and no stats?
Hand crafted items meaning they are not spreadsheet designed with random "Of the" names with +2 some stat like in every MMO since wow. Everyone knew all the cool items in EQ. BEcause they were all hand made with unique names by deign team, I dont mean literal "crafting items" lol.