Did none of you fucks play an Enchanter in EQ Trilogy era? No resource management? No mana problems? Jesus Christ I was constantly sweating blood trying to keep haste on whiney ass melee, clarity on the casters, mezzing adds, slowing if no Shaman, stupid Cleric wanting Rune, and God forbid trying to charm during all that shit too.
Y'all making me go full sperg lord over here, talking about non classic KEI and shit, when fucking Luclin is when everything we're all constantly bitching about started! KEI was the beginning of the problems, 2 hours mana buffs? Then followed by PoK books that ended porting for donations, etc etc we've already said all this shit a million times.
But god damn. No mana problems in Classic EQ? That's some bullshit right there. Buncha fucking Warriors, Rogues, and afk Mage-ass motherfuckers! I'm so triggered I might have to dye my hair blue, get a long winded tattoo on my neck, and pierce my man-clit. Fuck!