Look man,Grim1 has only posted in this thread 116 times so far, and if he ever gets a chance to pay $1,000 to literally suck Brad's dick he's only going to do it for the lulz cause he's the kind of guy that eats pieces of rustled troll shit like you for breakfast.
I kind of want to make a point about describing what schadenfreude is and why it's relevant to this thread, but I don't think the people who need to get it would actually get it.
Schadenfreude is a good word. And we are laughing at your discomfort. Because is spite of all of your bile and obsessing over Brad, the game is getting built. And you can't stand it. Hah.
edit: Thread is over 5 years old btw. 116 posts in that amount of time is very little. And I like Pantheon. How many posts does Booze have? Probably thousands and he hates the game. He probably could use a little sunshine. I wouldn't doubt that you have the same issues.
I treat this thread like a low level dungeon infested with weak minded trolls. It's fun to come in here occasionally and clear it, but it gets old fast. And the loot sucks.