Want some honest feedback here. My opinion is...
Part 1
I have mixed feelings about the Pantheon situation. If you look at it logically. It's been 8+ years and not a single finished zone to show off yet. There are supposedly 12 zones on the continent of Kings Reach. They have shown off a few dungeons that are modified unity assets and I am hoping they are eventually replaced with real assets. I don't see that happening anytime soon. Someone has made a comment that they recently bought an animal pack from the unity store to show off on their stream. I don't have a problem with it if they are using it as an evaluation build to show off to the investors.
But the problem is the new investor's first question is going to be something like this, "How long this game has been in development? Their response would be like 8+ years but we have made great strides in the last 2 years since our original creator died and so did his vision. So, we have been reorganizing the processes, and we would like to ideally finish the game in honor of his memory." This statement sounds noble, but smart investors will run the fuck away as fast as they can.
Chris Rowan has a lot of favors and contacts over Japan, and he may be able to convince some overseas foreign investors to throw some money at the project for a little while. He was one of the original people behind the Playstation console, but just don't let him carry it home with him. However, Chris/Brad were also the people on the phone as the Sigil staff were locked out of the building and in the company parking lot having a pep rally when they were on the phone with Smed after Microsoft backed away from the project. A lot of people at Sigil left their good-paying jobs at SOE in order to work and take a chance with Brad and his vision. A lot of hurt feelings and broken fences were the results. Most people in life will give you at least one free mulligan, but not two.
I think the new developers that are left on the staff are very passionate people and gamers too. A lot of them want to see the project succeed as do I, but they are not willing yet to quit their current job in order to come to work for the company full-time. Most of the developers I know are located in foreign countries, and I would find it hard to believe that they would travel 5000 miles to a new job and not have a real building to work in and to call home.
But if you listen to their podcasts, they are doing things that advanced companies only do when they are ready to launch like hiring an HR Department. They talk about on stream that the evaluation builds in the hands of the investors now. "Rolls his eyes."