Not understanding that without the word "or" in there makes that meaningless is what makes you so weird to me.stand for something, fall for anything.
stand for something, fall for anything.
How many here think we should have a podcast forum?
Two thousand five hundred posts existed before I came here. Are you afraid that Kilsin will ban you too?
I stand by everything I said on this threa,d so why don't you post this link to their forums and see what happens to you. Maybe you will get some more funny fallen memes we can all laugh at on here. U unlessu are scared. Never break character.
You remind me of someone who makes a complicated order for a kitchen to make, and then when they split on his hamburger, he sits there and does nothing. Hows do the spit taste, man? Do you like Mayo better?
There's a guy on these forums who has a lv30 ogre in Arathi Highlands named after him.You know I love bards, and I am the admin of the Aradune Facebook page. Hmmm. Every time you zone into Windsong's Sanctuary, think of me. Furor may have gotten a spell named after him, but they named a zone after me. i have reached immortality and made it to the mountain top.
Is this our first FoH mass shooter?
There's a guy on these forums who has a lv30 ogre in Arathi Highlands named after him.
A zone in a dead game is nothing compared to that.
I am not on any psych meds
Is this our first FoH mass shooter?