Nobody linked this shit yet? Lol.
Sox tried to warn us, but we wouldn't listen.

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Nobody linked this shit yet? Lol.
Nobody linked this shit yet? Lol.
Yes, sure. Here you go:Can someone give me a qrd on the last 2860 pages of this thread? Thanks in advance.
Try paragraphs next time, cock gargler.Let me say this. Yes, I'm using text to speech this time. In the past I would type it out but it's kind of hard sitting in a hospital bed with big ass fingers and a little computer screen. So text to speeches the plan for now. I read the post about kilson. I've known Kelson for about 4 years. We met in the ashes of creation discord. I didn't know at first who we was because you really didn't talk too much, but I assume recognized his voice on the community development interviews with the various people in the community. And I will say this kilson is a great guy. He's very company driven. If the boss tells him Mr. Socks got to go. Mr. Socks got to go for what I said in the forms that caused an uproar. Yes, I probably would have kicked me from the forms too. But needless to say it was the truth. Now it's unfortunate that he got fired again. Kilson is a really good guy in my investigations of VR because I am an investor for $600. I found out that my former raid leader is the CEO of visionary romps. I recognize his voice again from the videos that they would do periodically with the community employees and so one day in Gill chat I tested him and of course I caught him off guard and he basically admitted that Pantheon was never coming out so I left it at that and then I proceeded to get followed by another employee. And no, it wasn't Midas and he was not so nice of the guy. I recognized his voice from New world because we were guildmates too that was called Olson. It's an unfortunate with everything that happened with visionary realms. They had a really good idea. They just didn't know how to formulate it. When Brad and his wife passed away in December 4 years ago they should have locked everything up and quit. You know. Good try but they went ahead and forged a new game with new ideas and not Brad's ideas. Brad would have never done paid to win. I can honestly say that in my heart but no one's going to invest in a game without getting a return on their money. Let's be honest and he can't do it with description service as it is. And yes kill someone was right. 24/7 is a very bad idea because people will play it and figure everything out and when they comes time for the game to come out they won't play it. They have already mastered everything. There's no challenge to it and that's just my thoughts. Thank you!
Let me see if I can break it down for you in a short suite diagnosis
It appears to me that bread was using the funds that he was getting
I would like to remind everyone we could still do a Mr Sox quest
What's that $3,000 or $300x11 bullshit?
Retrieval quest? Find the dead toe?looks like 3k once or 300 a month for 11 months? thats the price tag on a sox quest
does his lose his foot on the quest? or start like that as the quest giver?
An ex MMO dev (Brad McQuaid) with delusions of grandeur set up a kickstarter for a new spiritual sucessor to Everquest because his previous attempt (Vanguard) was terrible and closed down.Can someone give me a qrd on the last 2860 pages of this thread? Thanks in advance.