Everyone knows thatBasically pantheon is doing a Crowfall. Releasing the game early as a money grab before they pull the plug.
VR ripped off my mermaid design calling it a dark myr with pink hair and fish eyes.
I'm homeless!Years ago i promised I'd suck a homeless mans dick if this released... Good to see we are still not there.
Well since it’s on Steam I can try it for a day and then return it! Would be more tempting if this wasnt a test bed that will have character wipes.
Iam so stoked.Nirgon what sayeth ye?
If their was a game made specifically for Folders it would be this game.
They didn't steal anything from you.I am excited for VR finally announcing PA. But I have a bad feeling about it. They announced 6 races but only showed 2 races. Not including my design they ripped off in my concept art of the dark myr. Look it up you will see it. They don't talk about unity 6 and water issue that has crippled production of under water combat and water displacement. Playing EQ for a long time I found not a suitable suitable replacement. I don't really care at this point.