Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There can also be different types of target content. You can design areas that are far out in the nether that take hours of running to get to that players typically sit for a long time at. You can also design content that is close by and takes advantage of quick travel.

I think a game with a mixture of both would be fun. Creating a frontier environment might give the game a better feel for local communities. Especially if you're completely reliant on player ressurects and ports to get in and out.
Frontier is something I hope they look at(possibly already have).. it plays into the traveling a far distance to bring back a unique item and sell for profit.. it also feeds the person who wants to act as a local trader in those far out areas so players don't have to run back for supplies.
I want to get excited about this, but 2017 is so far away. Who knows what the MMO landscape will look like by then.
It will look exactly the same as it does now but with more failures under our belt.


I always thought it would be cool if the terrain type was a method for fast travel. Like If you're on the road, you get a huge movement speed bonus. I like seeing people take the actual roads and paths in Vanguard rather than cut across country to get from point A to B faster. Roads are the safer areas and then you'd be able to have your travelling merchant types setup shop around cross roads. Like a several little EC tunnels.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Maybe we were wrong about the $600 tier. People seem to be gobbling it up.

Does the $1000 quest line design include decisions around the reward for the quest?


Molten Core Raider
The firepots were originally meant to be a way for evil races to travel, but the idea was scrapped. The one in Neriak was the only semi-active one, as it would give you a message if you clicked it.

Later in Kunark they added it's "Nexus".


What other options are there? I've wracked my mind over this very question. The market will just keep getting more casual and more online store whorish. I can't even point to a company that I believe will make a real MMO, let alone an actual game in development. 2020 is fucking optimistic. The likely time is never.

Seems my local bingo club doesn't have a message board.
This is really the reality in my opinion as well. If you had a ton of other game designers with a squeakier clean record than Brad, it would be a harder sell but literally this is the only ATTEMPT I have even seen since Vanguard to make this type of game. Hell, I don't think anyone's even HINTED at making this type of game that I can see. Before Vanguard? Still drawing a blank. Maybe EQ2? *shrug*

As it stands this is the ONLY chance such a game will be made. I played VG in late beta and a couple of months at launch and then came back and played for many many months after I got a PC that could hack it. I loved so many things about that game. The classes, the grand scale of things in the environment, the lack of instancing, the factioning and questing and even the PvP before it got exploited all to hell. It was flawed and unfinished and it showed but I would still count it as 3rd in my list of MMOs I loved after EQ and vanilla WoW and I am someone who played pretty much every major MMO release since 99.

Also, it should be said that even if this game fails miserably... If his KS raises 5+ million it will send a message that there is interest in such a game. Just because Brad fails yet again, it's still putting your money where your mouth is and saying to the industry WE WANT THIS FUCKING GAME ASSHOLES STOP MAKING THE SAME STUPID SHIT AND GIVE US WHAT WE WANT. WE ARE OLD AND HAVE JOBS AND WANT TO PAY SUBSCRIPTIONS. CATER TO US. WE MAY BE SMALL IN NUMBER BUT WE CAN SUPPORT A PROFITABLE NICHE GAME.

So I think while a successful Pantheon would be the best... Even a failed one with a successful fundraising campaign would still be a win.