Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


This is pretty cool, but like any high level description of a cleric class isn't that exciting. What makes classes exciting is the general feel of them (which is already known for a class like cleric) and very specific, class defining abilities.

For an EQ cleric you could pretty much copy the above article, add plate and at the end say, "Also you get a complete heal which probably should've never been in the game but will make it super easy for you to get a spot in a raid and make you valuable in general."

For a monk you could say all the typical monk bullshit then add, "Also you get FD which probably should've never been in the game but will let you do ridiculously silly pull splitting which is fun, challenging and hugely necessary for the kind of shit we're putting in at the high level".

For a bard you could talk shit about songs and dancing and swashbucklery but you'd add, "Also you get a speed song which probably should've never been in the game but holy balls is it fun to run at 100mph"

I don't know what point I'm making here besides jokes but the most important part about class definitions isn't how they exist on their own but how they come together and provide value in group and raid settings. Is the cleric going to be the best healer? Will it provide the best ac/health buffs? Will its pet be the strongest and provide some utility?
From what I am gathering about the cleric, the update is hinting at basically the wow paladin setup. Holy Ret and Prot is what I am gathering from that. I for one am a fan of specs within classes, but like we have talked about before, once you choose that route your "SOFT STUCK" there


Golden Knight of the Realm
someone give me an example of a good game which used the unity engine
They released EQ using the Tanarus engine, it all boils down to the engineers and artists. Once we get a look at that new dungeon we can get idea of what the early areas will look like. It all boils down to functionality in the end. I think everyone here will be happy if the game runs smooth on a wide variety of machines. Using zones should help with that a ton as long as their network code is solid.



Semi-pro Monopoly player
I don't think the goal would be to sell them out first. More to have each higher tier be potentially more enticing than the last, which is the major problem. There are some tiers not really more enticing than the last, some that seem backwards, and some points where people may consider dropping their pledge amount down.

If you want to be a regular pledger AND pre-alpha test, you're kinda fucked. That doesn't make sense. If they aren't planning a higher tier that includes the pre-alpha testing, or ALL of them for that matter (let people TEST the content they're helping design) they need to pretend they are, and that they just haven't updated all the tiers, yet. :p
Exactly...right now my only option is to pledge $500 for stuff I like and repledge $250 on another account for the pre alpha

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Mounts are not Jboots. Jboots were significantly slower than other movement enhancers within the game. And I didn't like Jboots, no.
Ah sorry it's hard to keep up with the thread, didnt know we already know the mount vs buff speed boost percentages of Pantheon.


Trakanon Raider
We need more concept art. I'm not a big fan of a bunch of text. I know its early but if it was me (and my software development is limited to banking software) I would get some races/classes and may the 1 or 2 major cities pretty pronto. I'm not saying this to be personally critical (well maybe the cleric concept art) but the rest would at least put some of the shills and trolls at bay.


I would be willing to put down some cash if i saw some commitment.

Take down the kickstarter, work on it a few months, put it back up with content showing some effort. Perhaps even wait till there is an early pre-alpha.

Starting up something new and relatively big is rarely a gravy train, and for something like this the developers need to put something in the pot first.
The whole "cash up front before i put in real effort", doesn't fill the sails for me. Most startups requires some work-for-free or the like to get off the ramp.

This is the polar opposite of Curt Schilling, who invested in his dream, and then lacked what it took to carry it all the way.
We've been working since early September on the KS and on the Prototype.


I want to be a pre alpha tester with all the features of the full tester in one package. As I see it (And I may be off) The $500-600-1k people lose a little something at the moment. (When I think it should be the opposite)

Wouldn't the goal be to sell out the $500+ packages way before you sell out the $250 ones?
Just put out an update that lets those tiers know that the dev guild (to which those tiers will be invited) include as early as testing as is possible. It's a low number, easily manageable and encourages high buy in. They also wouldn't get very many people actually jumping in to clog up that early testing. A lot of those people are going to be too busy to do that.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Starting to wonder about the success of this kickstarter + what the game is going to be likeifit ever launches. As a small business owner, I just don't understand how this KS launch could be so disorganized, and so reliant on anonymous people on internet message boards to get its shit together. I couldn't even fathom doing something this monumental with what seems like such little planning. Keeping my pledge in for now as I have spent far more on far worse, but definitely losing faith that this is every going to be anything substantial. I mean seriously, the pledge tiers, and their constant reorganizing is a fucking disaster. Get your shit together guys.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Can someone put up some Links where Pantheon is being discussed on different forums and could use our support and then be pasted on the front page?

I'm manualy googling it but it's slow going.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Just put out an update that lets those tiers know that the dev guild (to which those tiers will be invited) include as early as testing as is possible. It's a low number, easily manageable and encourages high buy in. They also wouldn't get very many people actually jumping to to clog up that early testing. A lot of those people are going to be too busy to do that.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I don't think that exchange really requires this level of scrutiny.
The last time we had Brad here (Foh) he was talking about magical pirate controlled ships already in Vanguard doing random patrol routes from Island to Island.

You can call it unhinged or whatever else you like. When the lies were so blatant in 2006-2007 that even half of Sigil Games was wondering what the hell was going on, everything is under the microscope. With that said, even *I* said that he has a 1% chance, if onl.y because he is the only one out of the good ol' boys club that exists today who ever actually took it in the ass when Vanguard hit the skids. Everyone else scapegoated their way out of things and kept on trucking with SOE or another organization to fuck up another title. Those people are complete resource sinks in this industry. I like the concept. The fact it takes a certain investment level to see a class created for the game that I could play since birth is a completely different story.

Gecko, get real. Shitting up the TESO thread? TESO shititselfand you know it.

You know, the more real people that are in this thread, the less I will chastise those specific posters and callout the obvious bullshit. We can start by sticking to needing more information about the game, why there is such a lack of information, why there is a 50,000 foot reply to even the most general of questions, and just how much framework is even being done - or... Is this building the ship as we fly and Kickstarter allows for that better than SOE since they wouldn't green light it yet and sent him here and to Kickstarter first on a contingency basis.

This game needs a much better plan than a bunch of internet fanboys flailing around throwing out high pledge numbers for worthless tier rewards while Tad10 thinks he knows about the actual lives of any of the posters here who have known him as nothing more than a leeching journalist parasite trying to get hired in the industry.

Starting to wonder about the success of this kickstarter + what the game is going to be like if it ever launches. As a small business owner, I just don't understand how this KS launch could be so disorganized, and so reliant on anonymous people on internet message boards to get its shit together. I couldn't even fathom doing something this monumental with what seems like such little planning. Keeping my pledge in for now as I have spent far more on far worse, but definitely losing faith that this is every going to be anything substantial. I mean seriously, the pledge tiers, and their constant reorganizing is a fucking disaster. Get your shit together guys.
You should see the process when they have 50 million in backing. It isn't any better.


I think the way it worked in EQ was pretty good. Downtime to a degree was a juggling of resources. If you were in an awesome group with an effective class makeup downtime was pretty minimal for everyone but the healer. The sitting for 10 years and then dropping a CHeal thing was just too effective. Honestly though I think a LOT of people actually liked that.

You had health and mana bars that could be depleted very quickly and effectively took a long time to replenish. If you pulled too many mobs you were sitting forever catching your breath. Pull to few you have surplus resources and exp is slow and people are bored. Finding that sweet spot where you were fighting just the right amount of NPCs to drain your HP and mana resources at the same speed they were being replenished (i.e. the cleric could med enough for the next cheal before it was needed) let you essentially always be fighting. If a bigger pull was necessary you could pause a second and get some buffer in for the next batch.

In a group this wasn't too bad at all. Solo, I don't know. My necro was obviously fine but medding to rez a bunch of people on my cleric made me want to slam my face into my keyboard repeatedly.
I agree that Downtime could be managed. I think EQ did it well, and we will do it much like EQ, but I agree we need to explain that better.


Brad you've got a problem with that new 250 tier. (Still need clarification if it includes the lifetime sub like the old 250 tier also).

Problem is you are about to lose probably a decent number of higher tier pledgers to bump down. I don't know KS rules , but I would think it would let you limit change the quantity of a tier down as that wouldn't affect people who already bought that tier.

If so take some of the 500 slots you have allotted for the new 250.00 tier and make an equivalent 500.00 tier that includes the current 500.00 perks.

I know you can't have and don't want tons of folks in this extra early stage , but you're going to have some 500.00 tier folks who drop down to get that perk. Split the quantity at least between the 250.00 and 500.00 tier if you get what I'm saying.

Edit: Just saw Whytlers idea about dev guild for higher tier getting that and that works also.

What I'm saying is without realizing it maybe , you just gave higher $$ pledge folks a reason to lower their amount.


I don't know your background. Do you have experience with these engines or it more b/c nobody has done an MMO with unity yet? Serious question b/c I don't know what the risk is that they are taking? It sounds like the team is pretty confident in what the engine offers and its ability to make an MMO.
My no was to him saying that we the players know too much about engines and we shouldn't care about that at all. This isn't true. Engines matter nowadays, a lot. Saying that we didn't have any issues 15 years ago means nothing today.


Elisha Dushku
My no was to him saying that we the players know too much about engines and we shouldn't care about that at all. This isn't true. Engines matter nowadays, a lot. Saying that we didn't have any issues 15 years ago means nothing today.
Please stop with the engine discussion in this thread. If you don't understand how retarded it is, then you yourself are retarded. Are you retarded a_skeleton_03? Are you?


Brad what is the deal with the Paragon Tier? The way I understand it, I get all previous tiers, but no higher tier includes the paragon. So it is limited to 500 total. What I am unclear about is if it also includes the 250 for lifetime sub?