I'm going to assume you're talking about this update:
This doesn't fill in the blanks at all. How much do they need to fund their barebones game. If they plan to get it all through KS and their website, what happens if they don't get enough money? How much is enough money? Do they have a backup plan?
These should not be difficult. An answer like: "We figure 2 million dollars will get us the barebones of the game, and we think we will have no trouble raising that through KS and our website." or "We think the game will cost 10 million dollars to make. We hope to raise 2 million dollars through fans, and will work with publishers to secure the other 8 million." I'm not looking for a full financial plan, I'm simply looking for something that implies they've at least thought about the fact that if they got the 800k and nothing more, they would burn through it in less than a year and would require a lot more or the game would never get finished.
If this was a case of a group of trusted people who would be willing to work for free, everything would make a lot more sense. However they were pretty explicit that they currently meet once a week in a garage. This means they don't even have basic funding for an office, for people to quit their jobs, etc. 800k will not get them very far whatsoever if it's expected 10+ people will live off the money.
The reason people are pulling their funding is because as the days go on, it's becoming apparent this KS is a cash grab and that no actual work has gone in to this project. They're waiting for us to pay their rent before they even start. Before you flip out, no I don't plan to pull my funding, but I understand why others are.