on another note: am i the only one who really doesn't give a flying fuck about the story/lore in a MMO? i mean seriously, i played EQ from the very beginning to right around omens of war and knew all of jack shit about the lore of the game. yeah, i knew the basics, like innoruuk was the god of hate, and cazic thule was the god of fear, but aside from that, i didn't know fuck all about the actual lore of the game (nor did i care). i didn't play the game for the lore, i played the game because it was fun as shit and i enjoyed the dungeons/zones and making friends and finding rare loot, and finding new areas to explore. when i finally found out there were 2 dragons in the game i was excited as shit, but i really didn't give a shit about their back story, just that they were there, had awesome loot, and could be killed.
point is, seems like MMO's nowadays are way too focused on the lore and telling a story (which is always bland as fuck) and not enough about the actual world itself and the gameplay.