OMFG afk bots to get acclimatized to zones....
And having half of Japan and China chewing their arms off waiting for it didn't hurt either. But Blizzard fucking OWNS at marketing. Makes you wonder why Sony continues to be so fucking bad at it. Did it ever occur to Sony if they spend just HALF as much effort on marketing their MMO division it could be making money as well?WoW also had great marketing, great IP, great branding, etc. A lot went into WoW's success.
I have issues with this architecture. It's essentially a glorified lobby room if you think more than twice about it. It phases you with others in the world according to certain criteria, yes: such as if the player owns a shop, is of the same guild, past history, crowdedness of the town, etc. A bunch of factors that are used to calculate whether you'll interact with this person or not.Shroud of the Avatar is using Unity--and, as I said earlier, they are going to he "one giant world" route with seamless phasing/servers (Like WoW recently did.)...So in essence everyone plays on the same shard, but they are phased in as it becomes less crowded or based on a set of parameters guessing their need (Like shop owners are always phased in for everyone when in the town with their shop).
It's a pretty ambitious MMO system, that, as far as I know, only Blizzard has been able to do. If they can do it with unity, it will be a pretty epic proving of it's ability to make not just an MMO but a massive online infrastructure.
You joke but I'm more sure this community could put out the funds & the people to actually put out the next old school MMO then some old school vets that have work/ed in the industry.Rerolled Kickstarter to buy Unity Engine ($1500) and some assets ($50,000) to make our own game. Anyone here a network and systems engineer? Anyone know how to code in some classes? I wonder if we can make an MMO that is based on max server population of 200.
I always wanted to get to the point where people can make their own MMOs from stock assets like old school MUDs. There's money in that I'm sure of it. I used to build MUDs back in the day. I even built a dragonlance MMO from scratch, I had done the whole world and plenty of zones. I think I build the Tower of Whatever (big paladin area? I can't remember DL very well) and had some cool scripted encounters. Ooooh memories. I think I was 17.
Pyros will design the classes, I will do project management, Lithose will be in charge of.. something. Tuco will bring the donuts and a_skeleton_03 will be in charge of trolling the kickstarter pleding $10,000 and taking it away once a day.
is that the fabled article we've been waiting for?
Yup ..... I can only imagine the fanboys on the kickstarter are going to be creaming their pants with that the fabled article we've been waiting for? idea at this point why Brad would let that happen. (Maybe it was too late to change it for anything else)Good thing they chose to reuse the "SLASH" picture. Well done.
I suggest investing $20 in the Rust alpha to see the MMO potential first-hand. It's immediately apparent. The map is huge--though largely vacant. Even though it's an FPS, it's extremely immersive. Until you inevitably turn off the grass and jack up the gamma, that is.Interesting, I think that would make it the first MMO to be released utilizing Unity? The important thing is that if it works well we might see easily generated MMO's from all kinds of IP's.
Interesting how your character is affected by the environment. I was always bothered by my Half Elf not needing any cold gear when journeying to Halas. That's a pretty cool addition that is definitely in line with old school MMO challenges
So the big reveal is Resist Gear plus a resist bonus based on the time in the zone? I am sorry I doubted this for even a moment, clearly that should be enough content that we all toss in $1000 each right now.
I liked warriors (what I played in eq) a lot in terms of the "spirit" of the class. It's just actually playing them that was somewhat lacking. Especially after playing modern games. I don't want the ability spamming rotations of WoW but SOMETHING more than turning on autoattack haha.I never understood why warriors had to give up all utility to be the best at something. I think a cool idea for a warrior would be a hybrid of fighter, rogue and ranger. Basically a warrior with good ranged backup abilities and a lot of melee tricks to debuff enemies.
Incredible isn't it? The worst picture they have is the one they give PCGamer? Regardless, the idea is cool, but the article is lacking. Not to mention how brief it is. What is that, 800 words?Good thing they chose to reuse the "SLASH" picture. Well done.
Watching the KS thread now is going to be an amusing experiment in how to lose all sense of reality. I have't looked yet ,but I'm positive "awesome,love it,perfect,exactly what we needed" are all being thrown about.operation soup sandwich is now, officially, in full swing
In the state this industry is in, it's probably worth a toss of 10k.So the big reveal is Resist Gear plus a resist bonus based on the time in the zone? I am sorry I doubted this for even a moment, clearly that should be enough content that we all toss in $1000 each right now.