Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
Would be cool if someone made an open source MMO engine, where people can make their own story, spells, and what not, and just build a world around it. Something simple to use. That $5,000,000 is a cool idea, but it will likely never happen.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
1. They didn't backtrack on anything. Even in the text of the initial cleric reveal there was the implication that there would be 2 available paths.

2. Was a combat rogue in wow a different class than an assassination rogue? Or did they share mostly the same traits with a few differences that allowed them to specialize? Pantheon goes a step further and associates gear choice to specialization. Big deal.

3. Why are you still trolling this thread?
Man shut the fuck up, they already admitted they were making shit up on the fly.. people started flipping the fuck out about no warrior and all of a sudden the Crusader became a 2 shield wearing tard Warrior archtype and the Paladin the other. Stop pretending that they had this shit in the pipe from the start.


Maybe Monk will be a DPS class and the Ranger be a Tank since the LotR movies made Rangers seem really cool. That's the only change I'd suspect.
Hey a ranger duel wielding lammys could put out some very decent dps back in the day. Or maybe back then all my groups were so terrible he just seemed to do more dps. Not sure here now.


Trump's Staff
Man shut the fuck up, they already admitted they were making shit up on the fly.. people started flipping the fuck out about no warrior and all of a sudden the Crusader became a 2 shield wearing tard Warrior archtype and the Paladin the other. Stop pretending that they had this shit in the pipe from the start.

The battle Cleric stands toe-to-toe against their enemy without fear capable of decent armed combat and spell casting granted through divine favor. They don full heavy plate armor, a shield in offhand and typically flourish in the use of maces, scepters, warhammers, flails and even two-handed hammers capable of delivering heavy damage. There have been cases where the Cleric would focus their efforts more on their spiritual and divine blessings, thus taking on a magical offense and defense. In these cases they've been seen wearing bright, radiant robes and are known to wield two-handed staves or scepters with a tome in offhand


Some people enjoy battling player versus ui as opposed to having a ui which provides feedback related to information you would more easily perceive if you lived inside your computer.

Given still the relatively limited ability of games to provide a full set of sensory inputs, having ui tools to expand that are perfectly fine with me.

Personally I don't enjoy playing player vs ui. So if the ui shows me the player information my character would more easily recognize in the game world I am all for it.

Perhaps they will provide a toggle for those with super powers and just give them faint flashing outlines combined with animations of all their group members to determine when to add to a chain. Those of us who are less capable could rely on the ui to relay character experienced information back to us as players.


Molten Core Raider
Hahahah. I could see Brad making Rangers a tank |-)
It would be cool if they did it as a "ranged tank" or basically kiting, give the ranger the ability to either dps or kite-tank and occupy the mob so others can pound the crap out of it.


Potato del Grande
That's what it sounds like they're describing to me.
This is the problem with their shitty ability to write, that yes, is becoming my pet peeve, is I have no fucking clue what they actually mean. The only thing worse than promising everything to everyone as modern mmos do, is being so vague and convoluted that you let hope spring up for anyone reading who attaches their own 'that's what I got out of it' meaning.

Look at the responses. People are saying "this sounds like my favorite system in -insert one of dozens of games-" It can't be like all the games people are saying it sounds like... At some point, people are going to be disappointed. When all they had to do is for once and for all just clearly describe what they're actually doing. Ah, but I'm not convinced they can, because like a student shitting out an essay the day before, it's clear very little research or planning is going into anything and it's just being made up as they go and hoping things fall into place.



The battle Cleric stands toe-to-toe against their enemy without fear capable of decent armed combat and spell casting granted through divine favor. They don full heavy plate armor, a shield in offhand and typically flourish in the use of maces, scepters, warhammers, flails and even two-handed hammers capable of delivering heavy damage.
I dunno what to make of this. A cleric who can also tank? How effectively? Otherwise you have a near unstoppable solo class.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Man shut the fuck up, they already admitted they were making shit up on the fly.. people started flipping the fuck out about no warrior and all of a sudden the Crusader became a 2 shield wearing tard Warrior archtype and the Paladin the other. Stop pretending that they had this shit in the pipe from the start.
You're reaching dude. Quiad is right. They hinted to the system in the first cleric write up. Brad hinted at it also. I don't think they made any of the class stuff up.


Trakanon Raider
I dunno what to make of this. A cleric who can also tank? How effectively? Otherwise you have a near unstoppable solo class.
Not sure why they would do this since they announced a Crusader. Would be redundant in my opinion. Clerics should be healers or dps in my opinion. Possibly utility.


Potato del Grande

The battle Cleric stands toe-to-toe against their enemy without fear capable of decent armed combat and spell casting granted through divine favor. They don full heavy plate armor, a shield in offhand and typically flourish in the use of maces, scepters, warhammers, flails and even two-handed hammers capable of delivering heavy damage. There have been cases where the Cleric would focus their efforts more on their spiritual and divine blessings, thus taking on a magical offense and defense. In these cases they?ve been seen wearing bright, radiant robes and are known to wield two-handed staves or scepters with a tome in offhand
In defense of nobody really... when hey put up the cleric summary, we were getting 'info' more on how different items and abilities you found in the game would maybe change your approach. So, you're a cleric and found some cool spells, now you put on a robe to enhance those spells, so the cleric descriptions sounded like it went along with the info they were making up at that time.

The info they're making up now seems to be with a more hard-coded class-specialization system, and they could be seen as backtracking to make the Cleric fit more into this hard-coded direction they're making up, instead of the previous direction of different items and spells just changing how you play the class.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
You have to keep in mind what the server population will be. It's probably not going to be 4k like it was in the old days.
Why wouldnt it be? I mean sure with today's hardware it can be much higher, but if they recognize server population limits as tool and not a technical limitation they can set it however they want.

Yeah, great ideas I wish they implemented well. Brad had and still has some good ideas. They just didn't make the game well enough to see their work become a profitable and truly enjoyable world. Because I hate playing Wasteland the MMO
Watch your mouth, Wasteland the MMO (done well) would be awesome!


Golden Knight of the Realm
The info they're making up now seems to be with a more hard-coded class-specialization system, and they could be seen as backtracking to make the Cleric fit more into this hard-coded direction they're making up, instead of the previous direction of different items and spells just changing how you play the class.
True we need more info. I wonder if the subclasses will be more of 'this is how I geared my character' rather than 'I have to pick at level 10 which one to be'.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Not sure why they would do this since they announced a Crusader. Would be redundant in my opinion. Clerics should be healers or dps in my opinion. Possibly utility.
yeah, the battle cleric subclass and the non-paladin-paladin warrior subclass is kind of clumsy.


Not sure why they would do this since they announced a Crusader. Would be redundant in my opinion. Clerics should be healers or dps in my opinion. Possibly utility.
Yea I remember running by and seeing clerics soloing giants in Velious (the weaker ones outside of Thurgadin), but the way that is written, it almost seems like they will be able to tank for the group and heal for the group. That iswayoffbalance.