Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Bronze Knight of the Realm
For most of vanguards life i played on an intel core2duo e8500 running around 3.75GHZ, 2 different video card setups. Launch ( 2X 8800GTS ) , then moved to a single GTX570. Built a new machine a couple years ago intel Quadcore 950 @ 4GHZ with a GTX670.

always got over 60 FPS everywhere unless I am raiding then it is in the 40s. Hitching went away when I got an SSD although i think for f2p they fucked things up again because, i notice they stream in the world around you almost delayed, where as it was different ( and better for good systems ) in the old days.

Before I had an SSD i ran with about a 2GB ramdrive ( loading the most accessed stuff in there ) and the game ran near flawlessly.

I think you either had a system issue, are trolling or have selective memory.
Sorry I must be confusing with my explanation I try to break down...

Just cause you can get some piece of shit hoopdee up to 100 miles hour don't confuse it with being in a finely tuned Porsche 911 doing the same speed... The Hoopdee is bucking the fuck out you and you have top out its system resources and the 911 is smooth as glass with plenty more to give..both going 100 mph but 2 different experiences. VG is a hoopdee.. Sorry if I left the impression that I couldn't run it all.


LOL, you're advocating for a system where some classes/races are purposely crapified? Glad you're not on the development team. Class balance was one of the worst aspects of EQ. The fact that some classes were uni-dimensional or borderline useless was terrible. That's one of the last things I'd want copied in a modern MMO.
That was one of the few things that was acutely good about EQ, and proves you are just asking for another shitty MMO were everyone is the same.

Some classes should be better at small content, solo, or raid. Fuck every class being good at everything.
That is some stagnant ass shit.


I don't recall the hitching being a big issue for me. It's not ideal, but it's nowhere close to game breaking.

What killed VG was its launch. It was pushed out the door completely unstable for most users. It did not become stable for most users until 8-10 months after its launch.

Stability issues + vision 2.0 gameplay with exp loss and corpse runs = EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. It was a horrible experience. IMO, most who quit early, never returned. When/if they did return over the years, the vision 2.0 gameplay was gone and the game ridiculously easy. You have to consider VG had no marketing at launch. None. It sold more than 200K copies early via vision 2.0 word of mouth alone.
Well said and completely agree. My wife and I have had dozens of conversations pulling our hair out trying to figure out why Sony refuses to advertise their MMO division. Even mildly successful EQ2 gets next to no advertisement love. Meanwhile you got Blizzard hiring everyone and Ozzy to market WOW. They get it, why doesn't Sony?


Not that it matters in the slightest, but the stretch goals have been reordered a small bit:

Halflings should be first and pvp second


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's true, but EQ1 spells were color coded and I never felt it was "Magic: The Gathering"-like.
because the colors actually meant something for game mechanics. Red = targeted. Yellow = self only. Blue = PBAE. Green = Targeted AOE. Orange = Rain spell.

I find Dread Knight and Void Master to be much better class names. If it's just Dark Knight for the newbie levels, the issue isn't really that terrible anymore.

The heroic opportunity garbage, I'm not a fan of. It already sucked in EQ2 and it has no place in a game that supposedly has slow paced combat. If you want social aspects in groups, don't feed that reaction bullshit to us at every opportunity.


Elisha Dushku
That said: if Vanguard was profitable under a subscription model, they wouldn't have transitioned to a free to play model.
This again? Smed was convinced that everything would be more profitable under a FTP model that's why he moved everything to FTP. So yes Smed would move to a FTP model even though VG was profitable under a Sub with no Dev model; and really enough of this topic before Tuco starts moving things to the Ut thread.


Vyemm Raider
That was always a risk coming into this thread. I am trying to extricate myself from this situation elegantly, but that ship has pretty much already sailed. I actually never read, pretty much rerolled and RPS are the only gaming related places I lurk, so I don't know what their standard arguments are.

Classic EQ had a lot going for it, and much of that is what actually made parts of Vanguard good. Vanguard was a bit like the Wild West of making games, you kind of just did whatever you wanted. Because of that some really great stuff emerged, but the consequence of that is all the bad stuff that comes alongside it. That bad stuff is what ultimately sunk the game. And that was with millions of dollars behind it. I just don't think it is in the cards anymore.
I realize I'm pages behind but wanted to comment on this real fast. I like the concept of letting members of the team 'gunsling' when it comes to designing aspects of the game. If this is allowed to happen and controlled/directed in the right way you end up with a high involvement management structure (lol i took a business class once). This kind of flat structuring is part of what a company like Google credits to their success. Why couldn't it work in game design?

If a company created a KS with this kind of structure and a basic outline of the type of game they wanted, while allowing freedom to iterate during development. I would be all over funding that.


That was one of the few things that was acutely good about EQ, and proves you are just asking for another shitty MMO were everyone is the same.

Some classes should be better at small content, solo, or raid. Fuck every class being good at everything.
That is some stagnant ass shit.
The games primary focusing will be grouping. Undoubtedly they will try to make it so all classes are viable in groups.

If this offends you at your core then I can pretty much guarantee it is not for you. It is targeted as a niche grouping game for hardcore players. You seem to want something else.


Elisha Dushku
Some classes should be better at small content, solo, or raid. Fuck every class being good at everything.
That is some stagnant ass shit.
Agree completely on this (example of how to balance tanks Warrior best at Raid, Paladin best Tank in Group, SK best Solo Tank) but EQ healers needed help.


Potato del Grande
because thats the bullshit order i wrote it in
But you make a good point. In a game with fixed 'chains' you have to basically do what the game says, and in the right order. In EQ, if a mob got lose, the necro might think the best option is to fear the mob to keep the healer alive. Then the druid/ranger/wizard sees it running like crazy and is like oh shit need to snare that shit.

EQ let us play the game. Fixed chain/combo systems let the game play us.

I didn't mind Vanguard's system where crits or blocks or whatever triggered a different, logical ability. Or one ability created a weakness on a mob another ability could exploit. But anything beyond that, which if I understand their truly shitty ability with the English language it sounds like what we'll have, just forces players into a new form of playing the UI, not the game.
That was one of the few things that was acutely good about EQ, and proves you are just asking for another shitty MMO were everyone is the same.

Some classes should be better at small content, solo, or raid. Fuck every class being good at everything.
That is some stagnant ass shit.
You're railing against the wind. Brad agrees with all that, and what we're seeing from all his posts is exactly what we've been asking for, for a long time.


Agree completely on this (example of how to balance tanks Warrior best at Raid, Paladin best Tank in Group, SK best Solo Tank) but EQ healers needed help.
Biggest thing was the players decided those roles not the Devs.

There really was only one healer in EQ so it's hard to complain about healing.
I kind of like the two healer system they had in Realm Reborn. Have one class that is an amazing direct healer, and one class that is an amazing raid healer.