Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Pledge $60 or more
5000 left of 5000
Risen's Pledge - Seeker's rewards, PLUS: Alpha invite, Digital copy of the game (including 30 days of game time), in-game title "Pantheon Explorer!", in-game illusion item for all characters, and an additional character slot. (Note: these items are also included in the $45 pledge)

also looks like the $900 tier is gone, no more phone call from Brad lol
So, judging by your post and the chart everything here is included in my $45 pledge? I was seriously going to bump it up but I'm thinking it's identical.


Here's another gem from EQN:
I am going to complete this process. I go through and find a class that has Mana Burn, I equip that in my offensive slot since it does damage. I find Spell Reflect from a different class and equip that. And I get Unsummon in case they have pets that I can unsummon, and I equip that. I am going to teleport in and I am just going to destroy these guys. That's the type of class build I have. I can also collect some items that match the types of abilities that these are. I can get some items that change my teleport, or I can get items that change the individual types of abilities if I want. You can start to see where the play from the different character ability load outs come into play. I have this class build with one of each type of ability, but there are classes that have two offensive, and so on. So the way you build your classes will be different based on the base class that you have. All that is left now is to save your class build so you can use it when you want. When you save it, you can name it anything that you want. ZERO restrictions. You can be a cleric, tank, wizard, rogue, Shaman, and Bard, all at the same time. I give EQN a year before it goes tits up.


I'm mildly considering going from the 375 combo tier of the 250's to the 500 one, if interested in snatching the 375 up that will come available let me know and will time it with you

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Flex while I'm with you and Merlin on preference of class systems , you know damn well if there's a PVP server where you can burn down the gnome castles and pillage the landscape you'll try it.....

BTW did you go in at the 500 tier for Pantheon ? Trying to find out if the NPC naming bit is first and last name , might bump up to it from the 375 tier (assuming it gets funded of course)......
that wont happen. peoples plots will be protected if they pay. i bet youll be able to destroy useless terrain, as an example from eq the farmhouses in the karanas. fuck that, if im going to put up with all of thew other unappealing bullshit eqn has to offer, i want to burn down someones house.

and archeage is asian, no thx. too anime and too weird azny for me.

im in for 500 on pantheon, if it fails nbd. ill go back to playong eq and uo emus like i have for like ten years.


She does quite a bit of game related work so it is possible, even so unless she couldn't talk about it via some sort of contract reason it would still be worth wild to reach out to her. If she couldn't promote him directly maybe he could join on of the table top game blogs for a day and get this kickstarter plugged. Marketing can be done in countless ways and sometimes very cheap which is why I am surprised he doesn't reach for this low hanging fruit.
Yea... "ponytail" just threw Felicia Day an EQNL alpha key. Not sure if that means it's too late for Brad, but... hm... Maybe shoulda reached out sooner


I'm mildly considering going from the 375 combo tier of the 250's to the 500 one, if interested in snatching the 375 up that will come available let me know and will time it with you
On the exact day this Kickstarter ends I'm coughing up a fair amount for a family event so the idea of spending more than a $100 sounds like a bad idea to me, haha.


Completely understand Gogo , just was offering.
Appreciate the offer. Now let's hope boogie works miracles or my $45 might hold the same value as a $375 or $10,000 pledge on February 22.


Trakanon Raider
I'm sure they learned a lot. They learned about WoW and LoL, for example.
They may have learned a lot but its not good for the industry at this time. I know both examples are evidence of very profitable decisions however, WoW was good for the time. We needed WoW and it offered, and still offers, some great concepts and mechanics but just like we were screaming for something different at EQ we are at that same point but on the other side. LoL is its own animal. No one should even try to apply what they are doing unless its a clone of the game but even then, I think you're asking for failure. LoL hasn't ran its course and it may be the next StarCraft.

The MMO industry needs to make a decision. Are you going to continue to advance the genre and more than likely screw it up by trying to offer "something different" and maybe, just maybe, someone will hit a homerun OR will you return to the roots and figure out how to build on the foundations of MMO mechanics. MMO's are at the point they've been changed so much, there is too little of the original idea to keep going. Sometimes you just have to start all over.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I think EQN/L is doing more to innovate than most carbon copy MMOs. They are trying for the home run. And it appears to interest more people than than retro callbacks. I probably won't play unless PvP is truly awesome, but I think you made a pretty unfair characterization.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
know what i want to play?

battle trolls.

the mmo where the only playable races are varients of trolls, all servers are pvp servers, and project m is running all the time. non subscribers can be pets of pet classes, goblin squires, and glory hole attendents.


A shame you don't like the Asian thing Flex, not so much now but years ago Lineage2 was probably my all time favorite for PVP. We'd literally have guild battles vs the adena farmers who stuck to certain spots known for easy drops amounts. They would at times call in reinforcements of their own (this was in the hey-day of RMT) and you'd have wars between Guilds , the Gold Farmers , and the roaming solo folks ganking everyone. Was great fun.


The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
Yea... "ponytail" just threw Felicia Day an EQNL alpha key. Not sure if that means it's too late for Brad, but... hm... Maybe shoulda reached out sooner
Yeah, well that was a smart move by "ponytail" then. Felicia Day has about 2.2million twitter followers and is pretty well connected and respected in many areas that it just seemed like an obvious choice to reach out to. You if you are familiar with "the guild" she even made her own show related to MMO's

Geek and Sundry | Your Daily Dose of Geekiness & etc.

Again I think she would be an excellent person to corroborate with, but at this point I don't even think they are paying attention beyond adding new confusing tiers to their kickstarter.

Here's to hoping EQN is the answer.


Ironically where games have gone wrong are lore and story. Nobody remembers killing the dragon and the blob of pre scripted text that follows.

What people remember are the stories and adventures they had alone, with a few friends or with a lot of friends. The point being games need to stop trying to force stories on us. It is so much noise. Certainly it can point us in a direction but how we fail or succeed or never find our way there is the actual story and what we remember and take away from it.

None of my numerous top memories in mmogs involve following a specific story. Often times it might be what happened in spite of the story.

For mmogs to get back to their roots and move forward they need to get out of the players way.


<Gold Donor>
I agree^^

Give us a intricate world, intricate class/skill system (shadowbane comes to mind), resources, ways to build shit, intricate crafting system for weapons/armor, throw in some massive sprawling dungeons with good rewards/resources, PvP and just let people go. Then adjust where need be for exploits, etc.... Its really a simple formula and I don't know why no one does it. It haarkens back to games like UO, Shadowbane, SWG, EvE but at the same time its something new, fresh, because it really has never been done right.....

Why do they want to control us and put us on rails. Were big kids now, its time to take off the training wheels.

I think EQN/L is doing more to innovate than most carbon copy MMOs. They are trying for the home run. And it appears to interest more people than than retro callbacks. I probably won't play unless PvP is truly awesome, but I think you made a pretty unfair characterization.
Im excited but with low expectations.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I think judging EQN by a video that is almost 6 months old isn't doing the game justice. I also think there are a lot of people that won't try something just because. Honestly, I think that's pretty small minded. With Storybricks and the rest of the innovative approaches they are using, the game may well end up being very difficult. Because... EQ wasn't. Once you learned the system, it was easy in most places. I also applaud EQN for trying to change things up instead of relying on the formulaic trinity system of today. One game is moving forward, the other can't even get supporters to fund the past. No offense to Brad, but Ponytail kicks his ass at organizational skills. And those would have come in handy the past few months.