Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


All depends on what kind of PVP you enjoy,

Personally I'll take Zek (any of them ) and Vanguard PVP over any "designed" PVP.

Designed PVP usually means instanced , balanced crap that is boring to me. The idea of doing PVE while always having to look over your shoulders and protect your group makes PVE x1000 times more fun. While at the same time being able to gank someone who took your camp , kill every gnome you see , and so on is the fun kind of pvp. Never knowing when it will happen nor from where or who. No to little rails in PVP just as PVE should be also.

Capture the flag,10 on 10, in a colorful little instanced zone is boring as all hell on the other hand.

Basically I enjoy PVE with the PVP turned on and nothing else changed. I don't really call them PVP games , just PVP is occurring in the midst of PVE.

Separating them takes away the fun to me.
I am just the opposite. Open world zek pvp is almost always decided by who exploits the most. Zone camping, corpse camping, exploiting mechanics or just zerging. Actual ability to play is almost never a determining factor.

Once in a blue moon you end up with an epic war but for the most part it comes down to who exploits first and most often.


Trump's Staff
The fact that they put extra bank slots and bag slots as kickstarter addons means we can expect those in a cash shop if the game launches. So Brad wants me to buy the game, pay a sub, and still buy storage for $. Not sure I can dig it.
You're reaching pretty far with that assumption.


Musty Nester
Did they seriously just have the balls, after barely reaching $200k and sticking there... to make a 5 million dollar stretch goal?

I'm not even going to be a dick. That's impressive.

That is honestly impressive.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Was a cash shop even confirmed? It could be the same deal as GW2, in-game currency conversion.
That's still a cash shop... in fact, it's a proven way to get you to spend more real life money, by converting it to fake money so it doesn't seem as real at the point of purchase.


The fact that they put extra bank slots and bag slots as kickstarter addons means we can expect those in a cash shop if the game launches. So Brad wants me to buy the game, pay a sub, and still buy storage for $. Not sure I can dig it.
The same shit in every CE I have ever got most of it will all be pointless by level 15 I'm sure.


Did they seriously just have the balls, after barely reaching $200k and sticking there... to make a 5 million dollar stretch goal?

I'm not even going to be a dick. That's impressive.

That is honestly impressive.
Stretch goals have been there since launch.

Although halfling stretch goal should be 275k


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I know they changed them like a week in but stretch goals in general were there since beginning.


That's still a cash shop... in fact, it's a proven way to get you to spend more real life money, by converting it to fake money so it doesn't seem as real at the point of purchase.
What if they are just expansion add ons. You would still end up paying for them but you would not be able to buy them directly


I've given them hell in many ways for the terrible handling of the KS , but this was a smart move on their part , one of the first ones really in regards to the KS. It should have been much earlier though.

But if you are bitching at them for putting these add-ons up it means you don't believe in Kickstarter projects at all. This is exactly the kind of thing other games on KS have done and the entire point of the KS is to get as much money as possible per backer.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
you didn't miss out. also, guess the AMA didn't go over that well.



Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
God if only this kickstarter looked like this in the beginning....
No doubt. The current config of the tiers, the swag, the PR campaign, the effort from all involved, a better launch video, no all brown-SLASH screenies... combine that with the theme of "we are just setting up shop but this is what we have in mind", this could have been an entirely different thing.

I'd like to say that I was asking for much of this on January 13th but that doesn't really matter now. I just hope they can do something to swing this around. It's not like they don't have time; from a normal 30 day KS they aren't that far in.
The big questions are:
-Can they overcome first KS impressions?
-Can they pull new eyes in potential backers who haven't seen it yet?
-Can they get people on the fence due to Vanguard disappointment/old Brad legends off an into the KS?

No matter how to turns out, I am going to stay in as a lifer all the way to the end. I want this game to go forward.