Those F2P and cheaper alternatives are all shit to me , 29.95 a month for a close to perfect game for me would save me money. I wouldn't waste any money on crap games any more , no more SWTOR CE's , no more total waste of money for GW2 , etc. While I'm on a stricter budget with wife/kids and other family responsibilities , the amount of time 30 bucks a month would get me in a modern day EQ style game could easily be justified for me. EQ at it's height (around Kunark) had me not even thinking of spending a single dime on any other video games , I'd very much like such a game again.
If 29.95 a month would keep a EQ4/VG2 style game going well enough for those of us who want that , and keep it from going down the idiot road of catering to the common ADD player , I'd gladly be in for it.