Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


<Bronze Donator>
its been three years.
not bitching about negs, in fact i typically welcome them, but to the person that negged me saying that it hasn't been three years...

...i suppose if you want to be technical its been 2 years and 10 months since Brad first announced the game. my apologies.


Lord Nagafen Raider
After the Fuzzy Troll shit and all the disaster that has been going on with this project, I find it unbelievable how they managed to turn it around to being a playable game. What we saw in the two most recent streams not only shows a functional playable game (which baffles me; I was expecting this project to die) but it shows me a game that I've always been wanting to play. This is key. I don't care about Crowfall; why do I need to compare games in terms of development progress? We're talking about Pantheon here; I have no idea how many people have been working on Crowfall and I don't give a rats ass because that game doesn't interest me.

Instead those guys at VR showed me is exactly what I've been waiting for. I've went to their website and read their FAQ and after every answer I yell "FUCK YES!". This is clearly the game I've been asking for. This has never happened before, not even with Vanguard. Vanguard had several things that I didn't like about. Pantheon, after these streams and FAQs, is the only game post-EQ that makes me really excited. I think their progress is impressive; I mean I've been waiting for Double-Backs on Hex: Shards of Hate card game for over three years now maybe my standards are shit. But I doubt this game is going to get delayed unless they are stupid (which they might be).

I don't know about you guys but the combat they've showed us, to me, looks good enough. What are you expecting? I don't care for better graphics despite that they've stated many times the character models are placeholders. All what I need is for the content to be finalized, classes finalized, Itemization and NPCs/Dungeons/Content to be completed and we're golden. If they create the tools; this is just content building. I don't want no fancy Castle PvP sieges, I don't care for any gimmick like Rifts/Storybricks/Dynamic Shit Content/Throw_crappy_buzz_word_here... These things never interested me. My only concern is if they turn out stupid and try to do too many things at the same time. If they are listening I'd tell them to focus on the bread and butter. Combat looks solid; keep working on your classes and content. Get this done as soon as possible. This is your game; don't waste time and resource on shit that is not important.

I'll wait for their next update if I see big improvements they will definitely deserve my $100.


not bitching about negs, in fact i typically welcome them, but to the person that negged me saying that it hasn't been three years...

...i suppose if you want to be technical its been 2 years and 10 months since Brad first announced the game. my apologies.
Anonymous rep isn't really that anonymous.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lol literally two clicks. This forum runnin on some archaic shit.

Anyways I hope a raid boss is a giant fuzzy troll.
Didn't they add some Fuzzy Troll item in one of their stream? I could be wrong though

Oh and Aleister is the worst Enchanter I've ever seen!


Vyemm Raider
not bitching about negs, in fact i typically welcome them, but to the person that negged me saying that it hasn't been three years...

...i suppose if you want to be technical its been 2 years and 10 months since Brad first announced the game. my apologies.
Cant be surprised by the amount of whiny cunts on the forums who dont agree with others opinions nor grasp the ability of others to think differently!


Silver Knight of the Realm
I got a neg for not liking Daybreaks website one time.

Thats how arbitrary the nonsense is.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Cant be surprised by the amount of whiny cunts on the forums who dont agree with others opinions nor grasp the ability of others to think differently!
Yeah, Rerolled is notorious for the idea "If you don't think like us, you're a neckbeard and we have all the rights to insult you for three pages minimum and changing your avatar and calling you an idiot. It's cool, because we're cool." it's a circle-jerk; but some of the community here are quite the opposite despite maybe they are the minority.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Until you figure out those "neckbeards" almost always deserve the ire they receive, the "Woe is me" will never work.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ugg... "My neckbeard is itchin".. the rerolled theme song.

Sorry guys (and gals), we are all neckbeards. Once you touch an mmo you are infected.


Vyemm Raider
Its amusing, i remember all the negativity surrounding Pantheon at first and now it looks like the most promising MMO coming out. Nostalgia feeds alot since the majority of us grew up on EQ but after WoW every other MMO wanted to copy WoW. EQ and EQ2 are still my favorite MMOs even despite EQ2s lack of popularity and the hate of the combat system. WoW will always be good fun but raiding in both of the EQ games seemed more exciting in a sense. Especially in EQ1 where nearly everything was contested.

I dont think i can ever raid like that game due to work but i sure as shit miss the action and even the 3am raid calls(had them for dragons in WoW too but meh)

Plus WoW has no bard, fuck you for not having bards!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Plus WoW has no bard, fuck you for not having bards!
Or Enchanter or Feign Death.

Bard, Enchanter and Feign Death.

Every fukn mmo has missed the glory of those ideas. Their loss, our loss, and the sum of the world is less because of it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hopefully it comes out. More choices are always good and maybe those stuck in 99 wont just have forums or odd EQ servers to fall back on. But I wouldn't trust brad to run a lemonade stand.

Will it succeed if it does come out? Who knows. Rose colored glasses are very deceiving and most people who say they want the "old days" back, but don't last for a week when it confronted with it. Also depends on how low they can still run a profitable game, as it will most likely be very niche.


Vyemm Raider
Hopefully it comes out. More choices are always good and maybe those stuck in 99 wont just have forums or odd EQ servers to fall back on. But I wouldn't trust brad to run a lemonade stand.

Will it succeed if it does come out? Who knows. Rose colored glasses are very deceiving and most people who say they want the "old days" back, but don't last for a week when it confronted with it. Also depends on how low they can still run a profitable game, as it will most likely be very niche.
Diiiiiiick lol we arent stuck in 99 we just miss death penalties and CH chains! Fuck i miss corpe recovery runs and the adrenaline(nerd version) of being at a contested spawn and waiting on your guild to get there as the other guilds get there and ready to pull.

Trains to ToV while people set up or Sont and camping spawns, all that shit was fun as fuck. Sure the MMO landscape changed, and a bunch of the newer gamers grew up on WoW but they dont know how shit was when you could lose your level!