Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Which is a shame, because I seem to remember back in the old days there was a fair amount of Dev involvement, right up to Curt being run out on a rail. Not that those guys didn't have some measure of something coming but the sheer vitriol pouring out of people (t)here? Sheeeeeeeeeeet. Given the choice as a Dev wanting to get feedback from a community, I would choose the sycophants at Reddit over the spitemongers that populated those boards. It would be easier to wade through the fluff to find a silver nugget than dredge through the hate to find diamonds. The cost of being involved (t)here is just too high.
The difference between reddit and here is that reddit is full of care bear newb MMO players. They were introduced to the genre with WoW or later and they are on the level of the WoW forums.


Elisha Dushku
Which is a shame, because I seem to remember back in the old days there was a fair amount of Dev involvement, right up to Curt being run out on a rail. Not that those guys didn't have some measure of something coming but the sheer vitriol pouring out of people (t)here? Sheeeeeeeeeeet. Given the choice as a Dev wanting to get feedback from a community, I would choose the sycophants at Reddit over the spitemongers that populated those boards. It would be easier to wade through the fluff to find a silver nugget than dredge through the hate to find diamonds. The cost of being involved (t)here is just too high.
It's really only a few people who go over the top with the dev hate. I think it'd be easy enough to put those few on ignore as long as you have a thick skin. The real problem is that we end up in these endless circle jerks threads where the same ideas are repeated every 50 pages or so - so if I were a dev why bother?


There's a lot of people registered, but all things considered, daily posters are a small group. It's irrelevant though, it's what this board is and will continue to be and most of its community wouldn't have it any other way. I honestly don't care, I just don't think the mystery of "where's that developer" is a hard one to solve.

Edit: and agreed tad, most of the ideas have been on repeat for years now. Lurking a few days as a developer could give most of the insight you'd need from here and probably any other MMO board.


Hello, everyone. I am the lead dev on this. I can't say much, but I can say it will be the first FTP MMO released on iOS and Android. Our technology allows us to rapidly iterate on highly prevalent mainsteamisms that comprise the teamistic, open, flat-landular approach that will be guiding our fore-looking and virtually-encompassing holistic method of delivering consumer-level content based upon a monetization model that is free of fiat monies and the bell-curvian, bell-curvian stance of piggy-banking and small micro-transactioning. We have seen the future, and we are writing it, coding it and living it.

If you would like to know more about this exciting new MMO
Please buy 50 Rantact Coins for $10 USD, or 75 Rantacts for $12, or 100 Rants for $15.

BMQ and I might get some gruff for putting much of the info behind a paywall, and if you'd like to read our reasoning for it

Please buy 50 Rantact Coins for $10 USD, or 75 Rantacts for $12, or 100 Rants for $15.

The first 25 posters may qualify for 100 free rants.

Beyond that, thank you all for reading this post. If you'd like more information, 1000 rants unlocks all tiers of information.

Please buy 50 Rantact Coins for $10 USD, or 75 Rantacts for $12, or 100 Rants for $15.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Oh FFS, that means I have to wait another 5 years or so to be "done" with MMOs? I thought I would be done with EQN.
Yeah, now I have to follow this and see what happens. I hope he can pull it off. I wonder if he was let go with the recent SOE layoffs or if he chose to go. At least we know the classes will be good and unique. With the direction EQ Next is going I look at this as good news. I'll give both a shot, as they both will be different from everything that calls itself an mmo from the past few years. If Brad creates the niche game we think he wants to create I could see myself spending a lot of time on it if the technology is solid. If it does go the kickstarter route it would be my first time funding one for sure.

If they can get a proven solid engine and not go overboard with the art it shouldn't take years and years to get something tangible out there.


Hello, everyone. I am the lead dev on this. I can't say much, but I can say it will be the first FTP MMO released on iOS and Android. Our technology allows us to rapidly iterate on highly prevalent mainsteamisms that comprise the teamistic, open, flat-landular approach that will be guiding our fore-looking and virtually-encompassing holistic method of delivering consumer-level content based upon a monetization model that is free of fiat monies and the bell-curvian, bell-curvian stance of piggy-banking and small micro-transactioning. We have seen the future, and we are writing it, coding it and living it.

If you would like to know more about this exciting new MMO
Please buy 50 Rantact Coins for $10 USD, or 75 Rantacts for $12, or 100 Rants for $15.

BMQ and I might get some gruff for putting much of the info behind a paywall, and if you'd like to read our reasoning for it

Please buy 50 Rantact Coins for $10 USD, or 75 Rantacts for $12, or 100 Rants for $15.

The first 25 posters may qualify for 100 free rants.

Beyond that, thank you all for reading this post. If you'd like more information, 1000 rants unlocks all tiers of information.

Please buy 50 Rantact Coins for $10 USD, or 75 Rantacts for $12, or 100 Rants for $15.
It sounds like if I preorder now, I can exclusive beta access, a dildo figurine, and 50 FREE Rantact coins?!


Trump's Staff
The developers posting on Rerolled comes up once in a while and I've posted a couple of times why we tend to stay away. Some of the reasons other people mentioned, but overall, the reason developers don't interact with players much is because players are very egocentric. They can rarely see the big picture and also drastically favor what they personally like. That is fine, because part of being a professional is getting past what you personally like, so it isn't something you would expect from non-professionals.

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in game development is a trade-off or a compromise at some level. This goes for design considerations, technology limits, and ultimately implementation cost/time. Nobody gets everything they want, not even the developers, and no developer wants to get cursed out and called an idiot for a very difficult decision (based on real-world constraints) that either they made or especially one that someone else made.

I don't think most developers even mind talking why they made certain decisions, or what they did wrong, but no one is going to bother wasting their time with a subtle and detailed postmortem when the only thing they can expect in return is hate and insults. It isn't interesting or fun, so why would someone spend their leisure time taking abuse? If that's your thing you'd probably want it from a hot dominatrix instead of fat neckbeard.

It has nothing to do with being "truthful", you can be truthful without being an asshole. We even have a word for it, tactful.

As to Vanguard, to speak at an incredibly high level, the major component that led to Vanguard being less than it could have been was design.


Trakanon Raider
Are people just supposed to be hopeless for mmorpgs all together? I never understood the negativity and constant harping on what happened in the past. If this or any other title sucks then it sucks. What's wrong with atleast hoping something doesn't?


Golden Squire
Are people just supposed to be hopeless for mmorpgs all together? I never understood the negativity and constant harping on what happened in the past. If this or any other title sucks then it sucks. What's wrong with atleast hoping something doesn't?
They don't want to be hurt again


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It's really only a few people who go over the top with the dev hate. I think it'd be easy enough to put those few on ignore as long as you have a thick skin. The real problem is that we end up in these endless circle jerks threads where the same ideas are repeated every 50 pages or so - so if I were a dev why bother?
Another reason is they are usually full of shit trying to sell a product and giving out zero information. And we all saw what happened with the last two, including McQuaid. It's lip service and bandwagoning, and if anyone thinks it's any different now, they are kidding themselves. But don't worry. Developers still post here to promote their products under fake handles. Happens daily.

With that said, there is no second coming of Christ with McQuaid. You people are delusional if you think anything will come out of this. Relic designers stuck in old hat design may be fine for about 500 people clamouring for that game (until they play it for a week, realize they cannot go AFK for 5 minutes to bottle feed their kids, and uninstall thinking "Boy this sure was easier when I sat on my ass all day after a rough 3 hour college day") but it won't sustain. Needless to say there is a big difference in developing a game in 1997 basically doing nothing more than bringing Diku-Mud to a graphical world (Not to say that was an easy feat back then) and developing a game today with substance, strategy, and persistence.

PS: Financial backing is from SOE. I can also guarantee you a pseudo kickstarter even though it's already green lit. Which is a shame - kickstarter should be for Indie development.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Most honest feedback is going to be negative. What people didn't like and what they would like to see changed is the majority of what they will tell you about. No one is going to tell you that your game has nice dirt graphics in it they will however tell you that the dirt graphic is missing in x part of x area leaving invisible ground. Dev listen to players for a reason and that reason isn't so we can tell them how wonderful they are. I do however support a kid gloves rule for handling Dev's on a forum. Simply put they should not be treated in the same way as a normal poster. People venting there personal distaste for a Dev as a person should be brought under control if that Dev is also a poster with issue being decided in Dev's favor.

Other then that nope you should just accept that 90% of internet feedback is going to be negative.


<Gold Donor>
Another reason is they are usually full of shit trying to sell a product and giving out zero information. And we all saw what happened with the last two, including McQuaid. It's lip service and bandwagoning, and if anyone thinks it's any different now, they are kidding themselves. But don't worry. Developers still post here to promote their products under fake handles. Happens daily.

With that said, there is no second coming of Christ with McQuaid. You people are delusional if you think anything will come out of this. Relic designers stuck in old hat design may be fine for about 500 people clamouring for that game (until they play it for a week, realize they cannot go AFK for 5 minutes to bottle feed their kids, and uninstall thinking "Boy this sure was easier when I sat on my ass all day after a rough 3 hour college day") but it won't sustain. Needless to say there is a big difference in developing a game in 1997 basically doing nothing more than bringing Diku-Mud to a graphical world (Not to say that was an easy feat back then) and developing a game today with substance, strategy, and persistence.

PS: Financial backing is from SOE. I can also guarantee you a pseudo kickstarter even though it's already green lit. Which is a shame - kickstarter should be for Indie development.
Maybe what this genre needs is a little return to the dark ages. Because where its seeming to go these days, there is not really a light at the end of the tunnel. If you know what im saying (lobby gaming). Is this guy the one to do it? Who knows? He did have some good ideas in Vanguard. Great class dsign, great world design, but all wrapped up in a layer of shit that took 5 yrs to fix.


Molten Core Raider
I enjoyed Vanguard but lack of end game content made me lose interest
I did participate in Ted Club though, that was some fun raiding =p


Golden Squire
Maybe what this genre needs is a little return to the dark ages. Because where its seeming to go these days, there is not really a light at the end of the tunnel. If you know what im saying (lobby gaming). Is this guy the one to do it? Who knows? He did have some good ideas in Vanguard. Great class dsign, great world design, but all wrapped up in a layer of shit that took 5 yrs to fix.
You're implying that it's fixed now? I played it at F2P launch, still had tons of issues with chunk crashing, lag, etc. And that was in empty chunks when I was just trying to do some tradeskills. Was really liking the game, but the bad "F2P but not really" system made me not too happy, then the constant crashing turned me off. I tried for 3 nights to finish one set of WOs, eventually said screw it - since I knew the F2P was going to require me to sub, not subbing for a broken game.


Yeah that stuff did get fixed eventually. The lag was never there when the game was sub based, it only arrived as a side effect of them rushing out the f2p system. There was lag issues and chunk crashing and whatever else, but I am pretty sure they have fixed that now. But as with everything Vanguard related, it was way too late. It was so stupid because a lot of new people gave the game a shot but the crashing and the lag was there for quite a few months, right from the start of f2p. So I am sure that most of the people who came along to try the game, ended up quitting for more or less the same reason the original players quit in 2007. So stupid.

The free to play thing, same story too. At first there were restrictions on lots of stuff and it sucked. Because most of the more interesting classes (Blood Mage etc) were only playable if you paid. And there were race restrictions and lots of gear restrictions. The whole thing was a stupid mess. But they also fixed that now which actually leaves you with a very generous game. You can play all the way without paying anything at all. All the races and classes are free and you can do anything, go anywhere, and I think they even removed a bunch of smaller restrictions too, like the 2 plat limit and whatever else. The only restriction of note now, is that most yellow items and above need to equipped using a potion or sub. But I know from experience that you can play to about 50 with just blue items and get by just fine. And if you do get anything exceptional as loot, a potion with about 5 charges is really cheap.

So it's very generous, but again, far too late. I still play it from time to time and the server is dead. It may have some players in the 50+ kind of range but from 1-50 you rarely see another person and the chat channels are mostly silent. It's quite sad, but it was totally predictable because of the way SOE handled the game right since the start.