Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


uhm, you lost me there. What was fast travel in velious again? I thought it was just the same wizard / druid teleport location system that was in from Launch. I Don't think you needed to have visited Cobalt Scar before you could be teleported there, right?
I remember having to get a group of high level friends to run me through Kael to get a gem or something before you could port to CS (Velious).


As far as travel, i would also like some clarification. I am ok with a few (not all) major cities who have a prominent conclave of wizards who have set up teleport spires with in those cities that you have to attune your character to in order to use it. But it only works between those major cities and no where else. I am ok with there being dru/wiz spires in more remote areas that those classes can teleport to. But again i think those classes should have to go through some kind of trial to gain the spell for each specific area.

As for death penalty, I am hoping for something similar to VG, maybe a little harsher. Something that also brings back the need for locate and summon corpse type abilities.


Trakanon Raider
well, he mentioned somewhere(maybe here) that dungeons will be so large groups will actually have places they can safely camp at.. I'm assuming hes thinking some players may look to sell shit at those locations? I'm ok with AH's if they are regional.. I just hate the global system.. I'd prefer a straight trading system tho
I loved to sell in Gfay (we used gfay instead of commonlands in Solusek Ro server) and if we are going to have an AH in Pantheon I would limit it to just normal items, Craft materials, etc. I would leave the
named drops, special items, etc out of it. As if the brokers dont want to sell that for fear that guards think those are stolen goods. That way we make use of both, the AH to sell common shit and a face to face method
to negotiate prices, etc for valued items. (Sorry if all this dosn't make much sense, english ain't my mother tongue)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just gonna write the whole thing down:

There won't be a teleport island so you can just go whereever you want.
Some classes will be able to teleport to some degree
but mainly you need to travel conventionally to a location first
there will be different areas in the world where you can teleport to but you have to reach them yourself by yourself in a walking, riding whathaveyou
and then you can teleport there after you have accomplished that for the first time

Also that ought to be the key.. uh.. civilized areas <incoherent> different cities, you wouldn't be able to just teleport in the middle of an adventure area
in a dungeon there'll be certain classes will have spells that will bring you to them if you, you know, if you have died you can come back to your corpse.

so I think teleportation will make sense in a lot of areas but we are doing it in a way where we preserve the size of a world

In longer answers he becomes increasingly incoherent. It was pretty hard to write down the second half of his answer


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I remember having to get a group of high level friends to run me through Kael to get a gem or something before you could port to CS (Velious).
Yeah, you(all classes) had to pick up a fang at each portal ring, in order to be able to port to them. They removed the fang requirement after a couple months into Velious, I believe.
uhm, you lost me there. What was fast travel in velious again? I thought it was just the same wizard / druid teleport location system that was in from Launch. I Don't think you needed to have visited Cobalt Scar before you could be teleported there, right?
Yeah, you don't remember that? Back with Velious came out, you had to visit the Dragon Rings and loot a tooth that spawned in the middle of. The only one what worked without that was the one in Iceclad Ocean. So yeah, to port to Cobalt Scar you had to have visited it first.


Eh, Depends on how many. Might just be one or two connections because they can't put in boats.

Combat us the main issue. Brad isn't explaining what he us trying to do properly. He's got three ideas: trinity, reaction abilities and required downtown. He should write up a one paragraph sample combat to show the flow.
On it.


Using original EQ as a template , what would you all be happy with teleport wise if it has to be in ?

Freeport/Qeynos/Butcherblock only and anywhere else you are hoofing it or using a druid/wiz port ?


Elisha Dushku
That's not what he said at all. He's talking about that there will be teleportation locations in the world, maybe cities or larger central hubs, but you would have to travel from there to wherever you wanted to go. I didn't not take what he said about having 2-4 flight paths per zone.
I got the same impression as Draegen and as I said seemed like it was a substitute for boats.


Trakanon Raider
That's not what he said at all. He's talking about that there will be teleportation locations in the world, maybe cities or larger central hubs, but you would have to travel from there to wherever you wanted to go. I didn't not take what he said about having 2-4 flight paths per zone.
Yeah, I think Brad was referring to possibly traveling to a location and gaining access to a spell (depending on class) and/or certain hub locations that you could make accessibly once traveling there once. I'm thinking that each city may have some type of transportation that you must gain access to but nothing like EQ:poP or how other games conceptualize traveling.

I don't really have a major problem with traveling as long as it exists within the game and tied to some type of lore. I don't want them to go overboard and give me access to every zone but what really grinds my gears is when you open up some type of menu, queue up, get a pop-up and away you go. That's a huge step back from immersing gameplay.
There won't be a teleport island so you can just go whereever you want.
Some classes will be able to teleport to some degree
but mainly you need to travel conventionally to a location first
there will be different areas in the world where you can teleport to but you have to reach them yourself by yourself in a walking, riding whathaveyou
and then you can teleport there after you have accomplished that for the first time
This sounds to me like he was saying that those classes that can port actually have to walk there the first time in order to be able to port back. Admittedly, I haven't watched the video yet, so I can only go by what's here.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, you don't remember that? Back with Velious came out, you had to visit the Dragon Rings and loot a tooth that spawned in the middle of. The only one what worked without that was the one in Iceclad Ocean. So yeah, to port to Cobalt Scar you had to have visited it first.
I don't remember that. That was 12 years ago. Even now that you mention it, I absolutely cannot recall it. I even googled cobalt scar portal and couldn't find any information about this right away, but now it's very slowly coming back to me.

If he's going to copy that system, then he should outright state it, because I'd be perfectly fine with that.


Using original EQ as a template , what would you all be happy with teleport wise if it has to be in ?

Freeport/Qeynos/Butcherblock only and anywhere else you are hoofing it or using a druid/wiz port ?
Freeport Qeynos, Felwithe, Erudin would be linked via teleports. Neriak and The city where the evil erudites resided would be linked via teleportal. Thats about it. You shouldnt be able to use the teleports to travel to a city of the opposing faction.


Elisha Dushku
You can't have a world where players are totally fucked if they can't get a port. I guess I'll stay in kelethin cause no on will port me to ec so i can level with my buddies and there are no boats.

I repeat there are no boats. Go look at the water content tier again.


Trakanon Raider
Using original EQ as a template , what would you all be happy with teleport wise if it has to be in ?

Freeport/Qeynos/Butcherblock only and anywhere else you are hoofing it or using a druid/wiz port ?
I think it is close. I think travel, if granted any convenience, should be player driven from top to bottom. I think EQ did it right not giving access to expedient travel too early. I'm not against mounts or anything but I would like to see players once they get max level, based on class, get access to a trade skill that allows them to learn travel. Wizards, Druids, and maybe others. They would be the only people that can learn these abilities, spells, or whatever and also make it part of the economy some how.


Buzzfeed Editor
So essentially, slowing down the game, INCREASING rewards (or potential rewards you don't needs something 100% of the time) you can increase downtime. If you fight for 4-5 minutes and get something decent, or have the potential for something really good, you don't mind a 2-3 minute slow down period afterwards.
Yes, exactly. Rewards, downtime, combat--all need to be problems to solve in a game. And the actual combat itself, and the downtime, should be part of that puzzle, not merely a check list. Assuming a risk, getting more downtime, these should all be problems that integrate into the reward structure. (And the problems should change based on class/group variables).

In the video below they talk about how good Stealth Games need todesigntheir down time, to make the down time part of the experience and not just a penalty (But, as you said, a choice that can be made). There is also a little bit on the end about the difference between the "power fantasy" that most games employ, and the "stealth fantasy". The key difference is power fantasy is about being stronger than everyone, and decimating all that lay before you. While Stealth is about being generally weaker, and still overcoming the odds by solving puzzles and out smarting your opponents. (Kind of like in EQ, mobs were stronger, so we figured out a bunch of ways to overcome them--like kiting or even pulling.)

I think you can see, from the video, that a lot of those "Stealth vs Power" design correlations can be made in MMO's. Everything in current MMO's is now a power fantasy (Even stealth is just a way to add to your eventual power), and you're right, it leads to destroying the content as fast as possible to get your next reward outside the content, it forces a pacing mechanic outside of combat that makes combat more of a chore to get through. If we could add a little bit of that stealth fantasy back into MMO's, you could make the concept of downtime and risk within the dungeon/combat itself engaging.

Anyway, here is the video. Yeah, I know it's not about MMO's, but I think it's a great video to watch for anyone designing a "world" and not just a "combat game". In "worlds", you need to make it so there are places the player has to make decisions beyond just "how best to smash this? Should I smash with AE? Or Single target smashing? How best to smash fast?" Bringing back that strategic element to games, making downtime a part of the the decision making and puzzle process? These are all things MMO designers should think about. And as this guy says, it's tough because most game designers simply do not think like that, they've be trained to get back to the power fantasy asap.