Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Right, but you guys asked him to do it cause you cared about this Kickstarter. He cares about it too or he wouldn't have listened. I don't know if you guys realize how difficult it is to run a Kickstarter. I would be surprised if Brad is getting more than 3 hours of sleep at night. You guys expect him to be all over the place all the time and have time to post everything to the Kickstarter page. It is making my head explode just trying to keep up with all the places he and his team has been. It's a good thing that I have a few friends who are also looking for the info.
Problem is I can list several Kickstarters that are, or were ,ran much better.

Some by former industry hotshots , some by the kids in the garage theme.

Either way , we see him making incredibly stupid decisions that take no more effort to simply not make this stupid decision

Prime example. Why in fuck's name , did he have to be told to get out there on the forums and get the word out ? Sally, the 12 year old twitter users knows this shit. This should NEVER have had to be told to him.

Again the "kickstarters are hard" theme is fucking ridiculous.
Looks similarish to the $600 one that's sold out. Maybe they're taking the advice to put similar tiers at [slightly] higher levels so people who feel they missed out have an incentive to get on board the next most similar tier that opens. Looks a bit too similar to the 600 to be a 300 dollar jump, but the idea is good?
Actually, if you read the description, it's exactly the same as the description for the $300 tier, which is slightly different from the $600 tier description.


Potato del Grande
Yeah... MMO devs not smart enough to just rip shit off from other projects. Not a good sign, as 'borrowing' is a key aspect of any good creation.


Is it the $600 with guild features? crazy confusing
$600 = Consultant's Pledge - All previous reward tiers (EXCEPT ADVISOR'S PLEDGE) PLUS: In addition to naming an item you'll also get to tell us how it should look in-game and have it immortalized in our lore as an artifact of power (subject to the dev team's approval)!

Which was really just the $300 Advisor Pledge with a that little bit extra fluff. I'm assuming that the new $900 is the same as the $600, just more expensive because it sold out. The designing and item stuff seems to be really popular with most backers.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Right, but you guys asked him to do it cause you cared about this Kickstarter. He cares about it too or he wouldn't have listened. I don't know if you guys realize how difficult it is to run a Kickstarter. I would be surprised if Brad is getting more than 3 hours of sleep at night. You guys expect him to be all over the place all the time and have time to post everything to the Kickstarter page. It is making my head explode just trying to keep up with all the places he and his team has been. It's a good thing that I have a few friends who are also looking for the info.
People mainly have issue with the amount of information on the KS. We all have things we are more interested in when playing MMOs. I think the point a lot of people here are trying to make is the information on the KS isnt abundant or detailed enough. If you've been following Brad around to multiple forums, you had to have come across the occasional post of someone saying it looks like just another MMO.. That's not the reaction they should be getting.. That was their shot to get a backer and they missed it. :-(

Brad is awesome at talking about his ideas. His ideas need to be all over that KS page along with detailed information of classes, combat, lore, etc.. First impression is everything.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Actually, if you read the description, it's exactly the same as the description for the $300 tier, which is slightly different from the $600 tier description.
Well the 300-600 tier jump adds tester, and dev guild features and npc....I cant see jump from 600-900


Elisha Dushku
Yeah... MMO devs not smart enough to just rip shit off from other projects. Not a good sign, as 'borrowing' is a key aspect of any good creation.
My MMO will have shit ripped off from pretty much everything. So it'll be awesome.


Guildmaster's Pledge is stand alone. As far as I can tell it's just a higher tier version of the 600, but with adding a 'story' about the item, whateverthefuck that means.
One of the few good ideas I've seen from the batshit insane KS forums is that the actual Kickstarter site should provide a way for a group of users to pool their money for a tier. Especially for something like the guild pledges. That way 10 individuals can each pledge 100 through the KS site to go to a 1000 group tier without having to organize it themselves off site.


Potato del Grande
Actually, if you read the description, it's exactly the same as the description for the $300 tier, which is slightly different from the $600 tier description.
Yeah. 300 to 600 you get the other tier rewards, but lose the vague thing about an item's story, which is probably just random wording differences between the various people writing shit. So, if you missed out on naming an item, you could get to still at 600 with the other bonuses between them. And the jump from 600 to 900 gets you...? Just the opportunity to name/design an item if you really wanted it badly enough and missed out on 600?


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I'm not too impressed that the new pledge is almost the same as a pledge that was $300 less. You do get to do the work of the actual backstory though. Fledgling writers DONATE! Or something.

Edit- I cannot read.


Lurked here a bit more before finally deciding to post , and it just seems anyone with a clue would not register on any forum with a history and immediately tell the folks how they should act.

Just seems an invitation to be shit on.
That's really the main point. I feel like communities like a lot of reddit, 4chan and assorted others absolute and total shit with terrible fucking communities and posters. That said, I simply don't post there. I don't register and trying to change them. The older and more entrenched a community is, the more annoyed they'll be by new bloods shitting up threads with preaching.