Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Lord Nagafen Raider
It cracks me up people are dogging on moving to a state that promotes business, and actually stating they should stay in what is widely recognized as one of the top 5 WORST states to start a business in. Forgive me for once again bringing music into this, but its my business. I've been playing guitar for 20+ years and what did bands do in 1983 to be successful? They moved to LA. Why? Because if you wanted to succeed in the music industry, you moved to LA.
  • Kix
  • Hanoi Rocks
  • M?tley Cr?e
  • Quiet Riot
  • Poison
  • Cinderella
  • Bon Jovi

That list right there is about 500 million albums sold. What do they all have in common? They all moved to LA. (Gn'R isn't on the list because actually only Axel moved to LA. The rest of the band grew up there. Just thought I would add that in. But Axel moved from Indiana or some shit). Anyway. They all moved to LA because if they wanted to succeed, thats where it was going to happen. They lived in shit rooms, only ate when chicks brought shit over, and worked their ass off all day long stapling flyers to light posts and anywhere they could. They all lost 40 pounds, lived in roach infested apartments, and made music their life. They did what it took because they wanted it that bad. So telling me, "well so and so doesn't want to move".....ok, well I guess he doesn't want it that bad does he? Not to be a dick but if you are passionate about something you will do whatever it takes to make it work. Refusing to move, or even put yourself out one inch isn't inspiring confidence in me. Refusing to even work until you get paid is horseshit. This will never happen unless you go all in.
grats bro you listed 7 groups that succeed but no count on the ones that failed? probably in the 100,000s per 1 to succeed


grats bro you listed 7 groups that succeed but no count on the ones that failed? probably in the 100,000s per 1 to succeed
Yep. I'm sure for every Bon Jovi or Motley Crue there was a thousand bands that failed. But you sure as shit are not going to succeed if you refuse to move from Indiana because your comfortable there.


It cracks me up people are dogging on moving to a state that promotes business, and actually stating they should stay in what is widely recognized as one of the top 5 WORST states to start a business in. Forgive me for once again bringing music into this, but its my business. I've been playing guitar for 20+ years and what did bands do in 1983 to be successful? They moved to LA. Why? Because if you wanted to succeed in the music industry, you moved to LA.
  • Kix
  • Hanoi Rocks
  • M?tley Cr?e
  • Quiet Riot
  • Poison
  • Cinderella
  • Bon Jovi

That list right there is about 500 million albums sold. What do they all have in common? They all moved to LA. (Gn'R isn't on the list because actually only Axel moved to LA. The rest of the band grew up there. Just thought I would add that in. But Axel moved from Indiana or some shit). Anyway. They all moved to LA because if they wanted to succeed, thats where it was going to happen. They lived in shit rooms, only ate when chicks brought shit over, and worked their ass off all day long stapling flyers to light posts and anywhere they could. They all lost 40 pounds, lived in roach infested apartments, and made music their life. They did what it took because they wanted it that bad. So telling me, "well so and so doesn't want to move".....ok, well I guess he doesn't want it that bad does he? Not to be a dick but if you are passionate about something you will do whatever it takes to make it work. Refusing to move, or even put yourself out one inch isn't inspiring confidence in me. Refusing to even work until you get paid is horseshit. This will never happen unless you go all in.
That's different bc all those guys were starting from ground zero. Brad and his team were all big shots. So how can they go back to ground zero and start from nothing? They can't. They won't. Not gonna happen. They've tasted the good life. They might all be unemployed, but I seriously doubt they've hit rock bottom. I don't think they're on food stamps and section 8 at this point... So there's just no good reason for them to make those kinds of sacrifices for Pantheon.


That's different bc all those guys were starting from ground zero. Brad and his team were all big shots. So how can they go back to ground zero and start from nothing? They can't. They won't. Not gonna happen. They've tasted the good life. They might all be unemployed, but I seriously doubt they've hit rock bottom. I don't think they're on food stamps and section 8 at this point... So there's just no good reason for them to make those kinds of sacrifices for Pantheon.
Exactly. Which is why its never going to work. If you take no chances in life you will never succeed. If there was an investor that was willing to fund Brad he wouldn't be on kickstarter. The fact he is here tells me he couldn't acquire the funding elsewhere. But you have at team who is semi-comfortable and won't sacrifice any of that comfort to do what it takes to succeed......they are doomed.


grats bro you listed 7 groups that succeed but no count on the ones that failed? probably in the 100,000s per 1 to succeed
Can be said about any industry. For every there were mountains of dot com busts in the late 90s. The only place where everyone is a winner is children's programming and the Special Olympics.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
@Irongut-these guys have put in a shit load of time to this since the KS started.. I mean, we joked about how Brad looks like he hasn't slept in days. The passion is there.. Saying they have no passion bc they wont journey to east bumble fuck isnt really a sound argument.. I mean, has anyone figured out how much in taxes it would save the team for 1 year if they moved to Austin? I'd love to know. I'm sure it's not enough to uproot whole families.


Potato del Grande
That's different bc all those guys were starting from ground zero. Brad and his team were all big shots. So how can they go back to ground zero and start from nothing? They can't. They won't. Not gonna happen. They've tasted the good life. They might all be unemployed, but I seriously doubt they've hit rock bottom. I don't think they're on food stamps and section 8 at this point... So there's just no good reason for them to make those kinds of sacrifices for Pantheon.
Just imagine if a group of game developers in San Diego where there's a ton of game developing going on all decided to spend the time, money and effort to sell their houses or break leases or even just put in their month notice so they could move away from that area, without jobs, to start the process of starting a start up that will seek starting funds to start making a game that might start gaining traction and backers if the start is successful.

We'd laugh at them for being morons and even fewer people would donate to the project.

Sometimes, when you and a group of other people are already in an area, and that area is known for having other types of people that you'll be looking to employ also already in that area, you just start doing things in that area even if it's not as great as the wonderful state of Wyoming for starting game studios.

The people they have wanting to come aboard probably work where:

a) San Diego

b) Wyoming

c) It doesn't matter, because they aren't serious about the project anyways, maaaaan.


If they were serious,
They have a class called "Dark Knight".

we would or wouldn't be getting your shitty opinions? Honest question.
The Business Relocation Coach: Calif. Reach New High As Companies Opt for Other States, Nations (Updated April 15 to Reflect New Loss)

California is experiencing the fastest rate of of companies relocating to out-of-state or out-of-country locations since a specialized tracking system was put into place two years ago. The disturbing trend is reflected in a review of activity from Jan. 1 through April 12 of this year when 69 California company disinvestment events occurred, an average of 4.7 per week - greater than the 3.9 average per week last year..

Unfortunately, the stage is set for California to lose additional companies, capital and jobs in the future. That's because the business environment worsened yesterday when Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a requirement that utilities obtain one-third of the state's electricity from renewable sources. California companies, which already pay 50% more for electricity than companies in other states, can expect costs to increase by another 20% or so.
Yes, such a terrible shitty idea... lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nahh, some people enjoy that part of analyzing games and their intricate systems. Its "hey this sword kills shit faster then the other one I had", but taken further. What I don't like is shit like gearsore, which puts a numerical value on every piece of gear and then it gets translated into "Youre not good enough to roll with me" type attitude that ruins the overall game for some people. Keep ilevels off of gear.
GS was indicative of another problem with itemization though, and that was gear homogenization through stats and scaling. Every piece of warrior gear is str/sta/primstat/secstat barring a few trinkets and weapon procs in Cata onward. It has to be that way due to how many gear tiers they have in each individual raid tier now.


Potato del Grande
Exactly. Which is why its never going to work. If you take no chances in life you will never succeed. If there was an investor that was willing to fund Brad he wouldn't be on kickstarter. The fact he is here tells me he couldn't acquire the funding elsewhere. But you have at team who is semi-comfortable and won't sacrifice any of that comfort to do what it takes to succeed......they are doomed.
Not true. The Deliverance: Kingdom Come guys have an investor who had already put 1.5 MILLION dollars into a project, who decided the best way to raise some cash and gauge interest in the game was to go to KS and let the public prove their interest.

I agree they probably couldn't acquire funding elsewhere, but it's just as likely they have a private investor watching/waiting on KS as it is they don't.

Looks like you're on a downswing, though. Cheer up, chum, making wildly assumptive judgements they aren't willing to sacrifice any of their comfort to do what it takes to succeed is kind of early and awkward. Of ALL the arguments against them that could be made, both professional and personal, that was is kinda dumb.


Just imagine if a group of game developers in San Diego where there's a ton of game developing going on all decided to spend the time, money and effort to sell their houses or break leases or even just put in their month notice so they could move away from that area, without jobs, to start the process of starting a start up that will seek starting funds to start making a game that might start gaining traction and backers if the start is successful.

We'd laugh at them for being morons and even fewer people would donate to the project.

Sometimes, when you and a group of other people are already in an area, and that area is known for having other types of people that you'll be looking to employ also already in that area, you just start doing things in that area even if it's not as great as the wonderful state of Wyoming for starting game studios.

The people they have wanting to come aboard probably work where:

a) San Diego

b) Wyoming

c) It doesn't matter, because they aren't serious about the project anyways, maaaaan.
Great job on the selective state choices. You seemed to have missed FLORIDA and Texas. Not to shabby ehh? How bout selling your home in San Diego for $900k,, and buying the same home in Texas for $300k? I remember when people in California were selling their homes for $1.1 million and buying the equivalent home in Oregon for $350k and going to work for Intel. Not a bad business decision ehh?


Just imagine if a group of game developers in San Diego where there's a ton of game developing going on all decided to spend the time, money and effort to sell their houses or break leases or even just put in their month notice so they could move away from that area, without jobs, to start the process of starting a start up that will seek starting funds to start making a game that might start gaining traction and backers if the start is successful.

We'd laugh at them for being morons and even fewer people would donate to the project.

Sometimes, when you and a group of other people are already in an area, and that area is known for having other types of people that you'll be looking to employ also already in that area, you just start doing things in that area even if it's not as great as the wonderful state of Wyoming for starting game studios.

The people they have wanting to come aboard probably work where:

a) San Diego

b) Wyoming

c) It doesn't matter, because they aren't serious about the project anyways, maaaaan.
No I think it'd be crazy to move across the country based on an idea for a game you want to create that may or may not ever happen. San Diego has always been the hot bed for tech and gaming, etc.

I do, however, have my own devious reasons for wanting Brad to move to Pensacola. Hi Brad. ::wink wink::


Potato del Grande
I'm sure it's not enough to uproot whole families.
Not until you have some level of a budget and tangible plans. Uprooting isn't something you do when your company doesn't yet have roots. Trying to say they should move to Austin like some dirt-poor band hoping to catch a break is about the worst business suggestion I've ever seen.


Not until you have some level of a budget and tangible plans. Uprooting isn't something you do when your company doesn't yet have roots. Trying to say they should move to Austin like some dirt-poor band hoping to catch a break is about the worst business suggestion I've ever seen.
Ok. Sorry. Your right. California is a great place to start a new business!!! I can't believe I even thought moving was a good idea. Geesh, they should stay. Why not pay millions of dollars in taxes and cut through all the red tape and deal with all the politics. I'm glad you showed me the error of my ways. Thank you!


Potato del Grande
Great job on the selective state choices. You seemed to have missed FLORIDA and Texas. Not to shabby ehh? How bout selling your home in San Diego for $900k,, and buying the same home in Texas for $300k? I remember when people in California were selling their homes for $1.1 million and buying the equivalent home in Oregon for $350k and going to work for Intel. Not a bad business decision ehh?
Ah, now done a Freedom of Information Act on all their assets and California properties! Share the deets, man.


Great job on the selective state choices. You seemed to have missed FLORIDA and Texas. Not to shabby ehh? How bout selling your home in San Diego for $900k,, and buying the same home in Texas for $300k? I remember when people in California were selling their homes for $1.1 million and buying the equivalent home in Oregon for $350k and going to work for Intel. Not a bad business decision ehh?
Data centers are about to take it up the tailpipe once the new energy regs go online in California, not to mention the ticking time bomb of the healthcare changes. These are not trivial expenses when running an MMO on thin margins. Tough time to start a business, doubly so if your idea isn't generating much buzz.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not until you have some level of a budget and tangible plans. Uprooting isn't something you do when your company doesn't yet have roots. Trying to say they should move to Austin like some dirt-poor band hoping to catch a break is about the worst business suggestion I've ever seen.
It's blowing my mind that people think it's some easy thing to do.. Worst of all, tie it into their passion for the project? I feel the bar will keep being moved for Brad and team. It's partly their fault by launching a half ass KS but this is getting silly.

Anyway.. SO hopefully they get the updated KS done and the intro video. They've been quiet today, i'm assuming they are working on that stuff.


Potato del Grande
Ok. Sorry. Your right. California is a great place to start a new business!!! I can't believe I even thought moving was a good idea. Geesh, they should stay. Why not pay millions of dollars in taxes and cut through all the red tape and deal with all the politics. I'm glad you showed me the error of my ways. Thank you!
Millions of dollars in taxes on a project that isn't even funded yet?

Nobody is saying California is a great place to start a business, though plenty of people seem to manage just fine, including dev studios RIGHT WHERE THEY CURRENTLY ALL FUCKING LIVING AND MOST LIKELY WILL BE GETTING OTHER TALENT FROM.