Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd love to hear what expectations some of the backers have for this game. Not what Brad says, but what the gamer expects. How low is the bar? How limited can the game be that you would be ok with? How much content would be ok? What can he not deliver on that bullet point list that you still would be ok with?
Expectations are always off for any MMO. this game is no different. My expectations for Rift were pretty high, they fell short. Is there any MMO you've played where your expectations were fully met? I haven't...

The game has to launch with Celestius. I think 8-10 dungeons is reasonable. Most likely 3 main cities.. I would think the raid content would be underwhelming at release.. I wouldn't mind if no AH's were in, mounts, shit like that..

They need to nail the classes, itemization and combat system tho.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
there's a certain level of plastic looking characters, or uncanny valleyness to it that feels off.
Weird -- haven't heard that comment from anyone. I don't think they're anywhere close to the uncanny valley since it's not like they're opting for explicit realism.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Weird -- haven't heard that comment from anyone. I don't think they're anywhere close to the uncanny valley since it's not like they're opting for explicit realism.
That's true maybe I am using the wrong words there, the world itself looks pretty amazing, I think it's just some of the characters themselves I have seen, then again it might just be what I have seen on twitch since I haven't played it myself yet. The game world and size and scale all seem pretty amazing though, really what I am most excited about is to really see what they can accomplish with the so called dynamic content. Even so this might be better in the EQN thread.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Anyway, you can probably extrapolate how it went from that basic system. You would see what "cards" the other mob was playing and by knowing the type of mob, you would know his "deck" generally.This might not sound too innovative with all of the action combat stuff and mob "tells" etc, but it was very novel for its timeand could still work if they don't want to go the action combat route. Anyway, it was a good system and I am a pretty harsh critic of combat systems generally.
Sounds interesting but I agree that it's far less special these days. Like you say it's basically the mob/player broadcasting their move which is standard in many newer games and there it even plays off animations instead of the UI (which I prefer, play the game not the UI). If they went with this in 2015-17 I would even bet it will turn many oldtimers away because what sounds innovative for 2006 is a regular part of games they generally dislike, see GW2 or Tera.


Sounds interesting but I agree that it's far less special these days. Like you say it's basically the mob/player broadcasting their move which is standard in many newer games and there it even plays off animations instead of the UI (which I prefer, play the game not the UI). If they went with this in 2015-17 I would even bet it will turn many oldtimers away because what sounds innovative for 2006 is a regular part of games they generally dislike, see GW2 or Tera.
You are preaching to the choir on this one. I think that one goal for this type of system would be to remove the abstraction from it (i.e. having a WIND UP icon on a casting bar) and move the presentment of the same system to the field of view (i.e. the mob animation). You can have the same system in a modern game, but you have to go the extra step and convert the UI elements to animation elements. TERA does it well.


Hate to keep harping on it, but EQ did it fairly well in a very simplified way. You would see a mob casting, and reacted with a stun, or shield bash, whatever you had to interrupt that cast.

It was all in game though, so when a caster mob dropped a rain you had to move on you own, not react to some homoerotic glowing UI bullshit on the ground or whatever.

Maybe a slightly more complex system built around that concept would be fun, as long as combat isn't staring at the screen waiting for whatever icon to show up then mashing the appropriate counter. I do not want QuickTime Events the MMO.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My expectations are very, very low.

I wouldn't back any kickstarter that I wasn't ok with losing my money on. That is how I view the service... a shot in the dark, a gamble... but I am intrigued by it, so let's see what happens. Others see it as paying for a service they are entitled to, I guess. A difference in philosophies I suppose.

I am expecting something along the lines of EQ1 vanilla in scope, scale, and size. An $800k kickstarter goal and a team of 11, using 2014 technology I am guessing can pull off something along the lines of 1999 EQ (uninspired by today's standards). As long as they get the races, the classes, spells, and combat all correct, they will have fun gameplay. If they have fun gameplay, content can be created to fill the gaps and you will have a potentially great MMO.

The last decade of MMO's have all been about innovation, evolution, and one upping the competition... yet WoW was the only one that even came close to realizing those goals. Then they went off and sold their souls to the casual masses, ruining what makes an MMO and MMO in the process. Too streamlined, too convenient, everything within the box, and ultimately too bland of an experience.

A smaller team, with a focused vision, is the game I am ready for in this day and age. Despite that many of you feel betrayed by Brad, I still think he has it in him to recapture some of the magic. I hear the passion in his voice when he talks about Pantheon. If it is all bullshit, then life goes on. I view my KS donation along the same lines as buying a lottery ticket anyways. I wouldn't put the money up, if I didn't have it to lose in the first place.

But maybe, just maybe the ticket is a winner.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Spell interactions in EQ were decent, much less instant abilities too so you could generally do something if you paid attention. For my tastes melee were button-starved though. Not that i want to mash them every 1.5 secs, but more options then kick and slam would have been nice. Although if I learned anything in this thread then that even that old lvl15 EQ warrior skill set is missed by some people.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
My expectations are very, very low.


A smaller team, with a focused vision, is the game I am ready for in this day and age. Despite that many of you feel betrayed by Brad, I still think he has it in him to recapture some of the magic. I hear the passion in his voice when he talks about Pantheon. If it is all bullshit, then life goes on. I view my KS donation along the same lines as buying a lottery ticket anyways. I wouldn't put the money up, if I didn't have it to lose in the first place.

But maybe, just maybe the ticket is a winner.
I find that focused vision missing from all this, but people have been harping on that enough. As is, I'm not certain if this the game I'm wanting because he actually brought up 'porting to dungeons/groups' as a valid idea, seems to go away from world design in favor of one-town-fits-all concepts, and some other points. More elaboration and conscise facts would always be appreciated. My pledge certainly is lower then it could be (or was two weeks ago) because I'm not sure what to expect from this even if they deliver a product. The risk of them failing and not delivering doesnt really matter as much as wether what they want to or will make is what I want out of an old school game.

I'm with Convo on this or EQN being the only two outstanding MMOs now and in the near future though. This because VR claims to go back to 2000 and take the MMO from into another direction then WoW+ has gone, and SOE with EQN for saying WoW+ is not working for anyone, we'll do something else.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ill tell you my expectations - I piss away a hundreds drinking, buying dumb stuff, or just eating shit on weekends. Spending 100 to give these guys who made 2 games I enjoyed for quite a bit is worth it at the chance they maybe make something that resembles VG or EQ.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is kind of what I mean, I am going to ask this and I am being fully serious and not condescending at all. Can you please in detail explain to me what exactly is so promising? Enlighten me on what you actually see when you go to the kickstarter that I am missing? Did you see some design docs that make you feel like this will be a rich world with a robust combat system? Did you see some amazing lore that makes you feel like this game will be engaging on so many levels that we will be blown away? What exactly is there that you think is looking pretty promising?
I don't have long winded paragraphs complete with pictures and everything and I haven't read, re-read, disected and ass fucked every sentence to come out of Brad's mouth but just going over the feature list it seems pretty cool.

A classic take on epic MMO adventure

-Short and boring but we know what they're getting at

Enjoy a high fantasy story with a few twists. You?re one of many fallen and it is time to rise.

-High fantasy is probably the easiest to develop. Again it doesn't go into details.

An MMO developed by gamers who aren't afraid to target an audience of like-minded gamers.

-Pretty much saying it will be a group oriented grind fest. Something many people have been asking in the post-WoW era.

A focus on exploration, adventure, and combat.

-Again short and doesn't give details. But hopefully it will be a large map full of many hidden stuff to find. Perhaps even a re-imagining of Vanguard's non-combat jobs.

Finally, an MMORPG for players wanting a challenging and rewarding experience. No risk, no reward.


Explore the world of Terminus as you see fit, on the beaten path or far off of it ? just don?t say we didn?t warn you!

-Not on rails.

Harness the powers of fallen heroes to augment your own knowledge and abilities.

-Fuck if I know. But it sounds like you can find artifacts or something to change your skills.

Play classes that have defined roles of tank, healer, DPS or utility (crowd and encounter control).

-Pretty standard stuff. Keeping the trinity.

Choose from a variety of races to play, and a host of deities to follow.

-Who cares.

Group-focused, intensely social gameplay using a class based system to encourage teamwork.


Customize your class by bonding with the spirits of fallen warriors.

-A nod back to the artifacts comment I made.

Questing that?s optional, and not the primary means of character advancement.

-You can actually camp spawns and just pull and repeat instead of going to find 5 boar dicks in Lake Bogdodden.

Quests that are meaningful, challenging, and rewarding.

-Sounds like they'll perhaps be fewer but longer and more epic quests.

Engage in combat that will test you and your party, requiring strategy and preparation. (Read more about Pantheon's combat here)

-Nothing earth shattering but it isn't twitch based.

Train and use a wide variety of skills as part of your character?s growth as you level up.

-Hopefully have a larger skill cycle than just spamming one ability.

Limited and class based teleportation may get you close, but in order to reach many destinations you will have to traverse the planar scarred lands of Terminus through the use of your own two feet or on the back of your mighty steed.

-I actually kind of like teleporting around. Horse routes are kind of a drag.

Quickly equip situational gear as you move from one climate to the next.

-Maybe there are items that work better in jungles and others in deserts. That could be kind of cool. So a jungle raid would possibly play out completely different than a desert raid.

An economy that?s largely player driven.

-Aren't most?

Visible loot. If you see an NPC wielding a weapon it should be a part of its loot.

-I find this really cool.

Most items that are looted from NPCs will be tradable.

-Cool similar to EQ instead of massive BoP.

Dual targeting--attack your target while healing your allies.

-OT/DT was the coolest part of VG.

Terminus is a world where instancing is the exception not the rule.

-Again cool stuff. Forced interaction and possible kill stealing.

Respect your surroundings, succumbing to death has its consequences.

-Corpse runs? Meh.

Some spells can be modified to hit one or multiple targets. You decide on the fly.

-Pretty neat but I'm sure it will be like if mobs > 3 use AOE else use ST.

Factions matter. Ogres don?t belong in an elven city (and so as not to offend the Ogre Rights Association, elves don?t belong in an ogre city either.)

-I know tons liked this from EQ but I found it annoying.

Horizontal character growth, with fewer levels and more meaningful gains per level.

-So a lower level cap with more happening per level. Not sure if this is better or not.

Community feedback helps drive decisions made. We want to hear your voice.

-Doubt it lol

The game will run on PC, Mac, and possibly other platforms in the future.

-I have a PC so I don't care.

I mean almost every bullet point is good sounding stuff. They may not be giving huge depth on each one but all combined it sounds like a game I'm interested in.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't have big expectations. I just support the premise of a modern remake of EQ and I think Brad can pull it off. Kickstarter is about backing projects that otherwise won't get made in an increasingly risk-averse industry. Too many people treating it like a pre-order.

Gamewise, if we get something somewhere in between 1999 EQ and TBC-era WoW I'll be happy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ill tell you my expectations - I piss away a hundreds drinking, buying dumb stuff, or just eating shit on weekends. Spending 100 to give these guys who made 2 games I enjoyed for quite a bit is worth it at the chance they maybe make something that resembles VG or EQ.
Interesting although I guess if people are willing to set the bar as low as VG then it doesn't really matter.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Interesting although I guess if people are willing to set the bar as low as VG then it doesn't really matter.
VG was a fantastic game but suffered from technical glitches and requiring, at the time, a super computer to run it effectively. I think of the world of VG got populated from the get-go it could have been the heir apparent to EQ. But it simply didn't have the population to really support it's vision.


Blackwing Lair Raider
VG was a fantastic game but suffered from technical glitches and requiring, at the time, a super computer to run it effectively. I think of the world of VG got populated from the get-go it could have been the heir apparent to EQ. But it simply didn't have the population to really support it's vision.
And yet the hope is this will have the population to support the vision? 2500 backers doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And yet the hope is this will have the population to support the vision? 2500 backers doesn't give me a whole lot of confidence.
It can be scaled differently than VG. With VG it was obvious they were expecting a ton of people. But without a ton of people you got a castaway feeling of being on a massive island by yourself.


<Bronze Donator>
802 pages

the kickstarter isn't trending well, but this thread is trending awesome. by the close date of the kickstarter this thread will be longer than the EQN thread.