Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I get the impression all the others know what's up and see this as a way to get whatever few bucks they can riding this until a real job comes along.
I think it's more about making sure their resume doesn't contain gaps while they job-hunt. A few might be looking to "cash in", but the smarter ones have to recognize this for what it is. Eventually the money trucks are going to stop coming. Their band of 1,000 cultists aren't going to be able to pony up 100k every month.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Shee-iitt. You guys are just noticing this now? Maybe it's because I have been sober for over 11 years, but I noticed the same zombie eyed, monotone dialogue in the first kickstarter video ever put on the internets as a directly similar presence from the Vanguard reveal video (the one he did with Jeff Butler). Constant dry mouth (lip smacking), half lidded eyes, and the following statement were dead give-aways: "we won't have to answer to a higher power", when talking about why they chose kickstarter. Any recovered (recovering) addict or alcoholic that is actually putting in the work to get clean and stay clean will tell you a statement like that is reserved for those people who either aren't "getting it" currently, or never will.


Trump's Staff
"we won't have to answer to a higher power", when talking about why they chose kickstarter. Any recovered (recovering) addict or alcoholic that is actually putting in the work to get clean and stay clean will tell you a statement like that is reserved for those people who either aren't "getting it" currently, or never will.
lol ok bud.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
lol ok bud.
What is your reasoning for saying this? If sucking dicks gave you cancer, pretty sure you wouldn't go around saying "whose dick do I have to suck to get a coffee around here!?!" and "whose dick do I have to suck to get some pills around here!?!"


Trump's Staff
What is your reasoning for saying this? If sucking dicks gave you cancer, pretty sure you wouldn't go around saying "whose dick do I have to suck to get a coffee around here!?!" and "whose dick do I have to suck to get some pills around here!?!"
There are various means of defeating addiction, not just those that require one to 'submit to a higher power', as was your absurd implication.

But ya... Brad does not look or sound great. Could be drugs... could be anxiety... could be a lot of things I'm not gonna speculate on. But Salim was wearing it on his face by the end of that interview.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
There are various means of defeating addiction, not just those that require one to 'submit to a higher power', as was your absurd implication.

But ya... Brad does not look or sound great. Could be drugs... could be anxiety... could be a lot of things I'm not gonna speculate on. But Salim was wearing it on his face by the end of that interview.
I can see how I could come across as absurd, if you didn't know that I was speaking from my own experience for what worked for me (which includes witnessing others in my same space working / not working toward the same goal) - I never once said it was the only way, and surely other people beat addiction in many different ways. My whole point really is that his phrasing was a little strange, and coupled with his well being in that video, it made me do a double take. Anywho, I don't wish him any ill will, and hope he can produce a game we all want to play. I'm just not footing the bill for it.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I can see how I could come across as absurd, if you didn't know that I was speaking from my own experience for what worked for me (which includes witnessing others in my same space working / not working toward the same goal) - I never once said it was the only way, and surely other people beat addiction in many different ways. My whole point really is that his phrasing was a little strange, and coupled with his well being in that video, it made me do a double take. Anywho, I don't wish him any ill will, and hope he can produce a game we all want to play. I'm just not footing the bill for it.
You can't really play the "I never once said it was the only way" card when you say "Any recovered (recovering) addict or alcoholic that is actually putting in the work to get clean and stay clean will tell you a statement like that is reserved for those people who either aren't "getting it" currently, or never will." You said "any."

You should know, for atheists and plenty of agnostics, the AA model of believing in a higher power is quite irritating since it's both so widespread (and definitely not always up front) and counter to their beliefs.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Eh, whatever, I'll bite one last time. Sure, if you want me to be the guy that assumed my way was the only way, then go for it. I just wrote from my own experience, and forgot to put in the disclaimer. My bad. Back to the character assassination!


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
So I haven't really been following this whole saga closely, but don't people create some pretty impressive games during those 24-hour programming challenges? How is it possible that after 6 months there is so little to show?


I'm Amod too!
So I haven't really been following this whole saga closely, but don't people create some pretty impressive games during those 24-hour programming challenges? How is it possible that after 6 months there is so little to show?
Because these guys are trying to treat this like a job rather than a work of passion. They want to see them money before they start working.


I just watched the round table ..... that was fucking hilarious....... he is so high he studders. He may have actually died if the kickstarter went through. Damn this makes DG look that much better.

WE HAVE ONE DEPARTMENT, ITS CALLED PANTHEON RISE OF THE FALLEN. my wife just yelled at me for waking her up from laughing.




Limbo is good but the first hour or so is the best. It's at its darkest then and you're not as desensitized to the brutal nature of the game.


If you want some hilarity, check out around the 45 minute when they're talking about the 'gnomes.'

They're all on the same page guys, really. Really they are.



~6 months ago everyone thought Dave Georgeson was a slimy snake oil salesman and we were eagerly awaiting Brad's announcement


how times have changed


