Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


With out lore you have nothing. Whats the motivation for the game? Character? Bosses? Why is their a quest hub there?
I stopped caring about lore in MMOs around the same time hundreds of questgivers in hubs made me collect 8 bear asses and all had explanations of why they needed those bear asses in a page long request that makes supply requisitions forms at my workplace seem exciting in comparison. I don't think I've read flavor text for an MMO quest since 2005 because who gives a shit. It's usually the same generic high fantasy bullshit anyway.

Exception to the rule was secret world I guess, and even then most of the quests outside of the main storyline fell into the 8 bear-ass category.

I liked norraths lore because it was minimalistic. Did you care about the lore in EQ on day 1? Hell no, you cared about killing that damn skeleton and selling his cracked staff. You learned more about the world over time, but it never was intrusive like some of todays stuff where you need to play solo instances to get to a new continent or progress the story. The lore I like best is the type that barely explains anything and leaves it open to piecing together scraps to figure things out. Dark Souls is probably the first virtual world I've thought was cool and went to read about in a long time. I liked EQ's too, but the other dozens of MMOs just kind of blend together and the lore doesn't make a lick of difference to me.


I stopped caring about lore in MMOs around the same time hundreds of questgivers in hubs made me collect 8 bear asses and all had explanations of why they needed those bear asses in a page long request that makes supply requisitions forms at my workplace seem exciting in comparison. I don't think I've read flavor text for an MMO quest since 2005 because who gives a shit. It's usually the same generic high fantasy bullshit anyway.

Exception to the rule was secret world I guess, and even then most of the quests outside of the main storyline fell into the 8 bear-ass category.

I liked norraths lore because it was minimalistic, but 90% of the time it's exceedingly hard to care about MMO lore.
I agree with you 150% on the poor quests. Rift is a prime example of that kind of waste where every zone you go into you get the same collection quests. Especially with the technology in gaming today you would think there would be actual purposeful quests that guide you along a story with out being overly abundant, useless and pointless, such as collecting bear hides. And have more variety and use of mechanics. Those bear quests should be crafting dailies.

I agree the story should be a part of the game, but not 100% of the game. When I am speaking of Lore I am not talking quests. Lore is the creation of everything and why it exists. Quests is how you interact with the lore and I think that is where many games are failing to produce a product that satisfies. Let me FIND a quest, don't just load me up every time I walk into a town. Encourage me to explore and interact with as much as possible.

I hope that puts us closer to the same page. I was misunderstanding your position.


I came here because of all the great comments you guys had about our shows and radio. I gotta come support our listeners. Hate me or love me we are here for you too. You guys should do a rerolled hour or something you can go off on whatever you want, be a blast. We invite anyone to participate. I am only one person there.
Can you tell us all how it feels to have Brad take $3000+ from you and then drop your ass? You just mad you didn't get to name a super awesome mob in game and get your private phone call from the Bradman himself? Or maybe you are just mad because no one heard of you until Pantheon and likely you'll be back in the land of obscurity now that you are irrelevant to Pantheon. Your little shows are the closest thing I've heard to a phone sex circle jerk. Good thing I never listened live and only FFed to the developer trainwreck parts. Now please go back to blowing Vhalen and leave this thread for fun Brad related things.

an accordion_sl

If he wants to do up a commercial for his EQbrowser we'll play it. It sounds like a community type of project we would support. 30 seconds long make sure people know who to contact or the web site.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Can you tell us all how it feels to have Brad take $3000+ from you and then drop your ass? You just mad you didn't get to name a super awesome mob in game and get your private phone call from the Bradman himself? Or maybe you are just mad because no one heard of you until Pantheon and likely you'll be back in the land of obscurity now that you are irrelevant to Pantheon. Your little shows are the closest thing I've heard to a phone sex circle jerk. Good thing I never listened live and only FFed to the developer trainwreck parts. Now please go back to blowing Vhalen and leave this thread for fun Brad related things.
Rofl +1


Can you tell us all how it feels to have Brad take $3000+ from you and then drop your ass? You just mad you didn't get to name a super awesome mob in game and get your private phone call from the Bradman himself? Or maybe you are just mad because no one heard of you until Pantheon and likely you'll be back in the land of obscurity now that you are irrelevant to Pantheon. Your little shows are the closest thing I've heard to a phone sex circle jerk. Good thing I never listened live and only FFed to the developer trainwreck parts. Now please go back to blowing Vhalen and leave this thread for fun Brad related things.
I can tell you how he didn't. I can also tell you how KTAM Named 3 locations in Kings Reach and a Giant and potentially a small Goblin Clan as well. If you are going to try and "put me in my place" get some facts first.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So you named a bunch of shit in a game that will never be made. Grats I guess, money well spent.


So you named a bunch of shit in a game that will never be made. Grats I guess, money well spent.
Didn't cost me a dime. That's my point. I got it all back. Other than $30 for two months of sub it didn't cost me anything. $30 was a fair price for what I got, and that is some great connections with a bunch of Dev's and artists and a growth in our community.



Dude, we are a RADIO. OMG get a clue. Try when we have a show it's 50 people tuned in and 15 in chat. That's 5 times what Pantheon has right now and I don't have to try.

350 Twitter, almost 300 FB... Straws man, grasping at straws. For a shitty little radio.

Your radio show gets dick traffic compared to Pantheon.

Lying out your ass and there is no way you can prove you are right.


Yay my account is now working.

Sup folks, Beck (KTAM) Love the support you guys are showing for our work. It's been a hoot to read your comments and see that some of you get it and some of you think everything I put out as my on air character is 100% legit.

Mostly I thank you for listening, it doesn't matter if you agree or not, it's been great to see you all talking about it. Like Howard Stern it was the haters that made him popular and look where he is today because of that. I am inspired.

I am not at the station this weekend so this stuff Frenzic is putting out is just awesome. I can't wait for Brad to sacrifice his new sacrificial scape goat to the Gods of Pantheon and cry deny-ability and suddenly have a case for "slander" against everyone who has spread the "slander".

Nothing against you Frenzic, I do not think you served your position as High Purple Meat Shield to Brad by posting all this stuff. I think you will be painted as a target by the other Bradites when the shit really hits the fan. Not that I don't think you should have done it, that I agree with 100%, you are only doing what I was doing and I appreciate you carrying the flag and capping it.

Vhalen was telling us in our mumble a short while ago that Brad feels he is entitled to a 200K+ salary because that is what CEO's get paid. Delusional right? This is just getting started. I think there is going to be a lot more that is going to come out. It seems the details of the $ amounts may not be 100% accurate and I am asking the Dev's to anonymously provide me with redacted documents to substantiate that.

You guys talked about Tonys wife. Tony is 5 figures in debt because of this and was paid less in total than what his monthly bills are. Ben was the first to leave because he wasn't getting paid and just barely managed to pay his bills, Vu paid out of pocket for all the unity assets to design what you seen in the Proof of Concept. Tony kept working and proving lore voluntarily knowing he was not getting paid, from which there would be no zones, no mobs, no reason for a game at all to support all of us, the community, no matter if we supported him or the project or not because that... is Tony.

I await your most epic of Trolls from the troglodytes and chatting with the rest of you.
Howard Stern would have been fired on the spot if he had ever put on a show like you did a few days ago.


Salim is the guy who tasked the developers with their goals for the entirety of 4-6 months.

Salim stated that all the goals he made for the developers are completed.

Salim also stated that the demo/prototype is something he wouldn't show the community or investors who could give them money.

Stash removed my posts asking me what he did for Pantheon. When he said "Goblins" i asked, "Did you only do goblins in the 4-6 months you were involved" he closed the thread.

We got a dude in the Unity thread that completed a zone in one afternoon that took Vu 4-6 months to do.

The developers should all be wiped clean.

Ktam is a crazy person, on a high for getting 40 people to listen to him flap his turkey neck.


This pretty much sums it up.


Beck is one of the goofiest motherfuckers out there, did you hear him talk the other night over devs and other people so he could cry about how people think he's a bad guy? I've never heard anyone think they mattered more in their life. He runs a "radio station" that plays Bon Jovi and he freaked out over having 30 listeners and almost started crying when he read some of the stuff people here had to say about him. Beck, you don't matter at all.


I am sensing some issues here Frenzic, how about you pop on K-TAM and tell the community how you really feel and i'll ask you some questions like I do with everyone and just think there will be more people around who will actually hear what you are saying. Most others left on Pantheon are too busy listening to the sound of their lips smacking against Brads Anus.

With out lore you have nothing. Whats the motivation for the game? Character? Bosses? Why is their a quest hub there? Be pretty bored in wow if all you did was... nothing. Because with out lore that is what you have. You might not appreciate it, but any game you play has it. It is obvious you really don't pay attention or you would realize that YOU have pretty much done 1 of 2 things. #1 ruined any possibility of the game getting any real funding. #2 You set yourself up for a complete Brad Enema when he decided to "redact" your comments.

I go to air and people tune in. When you talk I kinda tune out.
This guy's forum persona is even more annoying than his "Howard Stern" impression. Maybe he should "pretend" to be a deaf mute with no arms from now on.


5 hours all I did was talk about losing a purple? Really? Well the recording us up on my site. It proves you wrong.
Everyone who was listening to that clusterfuck heard you say the same fucking thing over and over and over again in embarrassingly dramatic fashion for at least 4 hours. It was like 30 minutes of you repeating yourself punctuated by someone else saying a few sentences, and then back to you.

I mean, you can call it entertainment if you want, but I'm pretty sure the only reason anyone has listened to any of this shit is for the disaster porn-like quality of the whole thing (Sorry, Howard Stern impression). That, and when you actually let people that matter get a word in.


I have addressed all this already and I am not going to do it again. If it's a good enough answer for a dishonest guy like Brad it's good enough for an honest guy like me.

I do thank you for listening though. And listening is what is letting us have this conversation.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Beck why don't you start your own thread where you can talk about yourself. A mod can even stick it in our hall of reverence - the Rickshaw - and you can be among kindred souls. Until then, kindly fuck off from this thread. This is not your personal radio station where you think all anyone wants is to listen to you speak.