Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
It's not so much belief as a shred of hope. The volunteer team has already produced more updates, on time, than the original development team (exception original lore team). My pledge is already there, and not going to be an idiot to beg for a refund as I knew 100% what I was originally signing up for - might as well cling on to the faint hope that it will be made, not like it's hurting at this point.
Very valid point and if I had been suckered I would be clinging to hope as well. Just like the poor retired person who had given money to Nigerian princes, I would hope that the one I donated to was the real deal. Unfortunately, this never happens and most people can see this because they aren't already invested. Brad isn't getting the funding to make a game and volunteers can only do so much. There is a reason someone is desperate enough to hop onto Brad's fairy dust machine in order to get into the industry. It's called not being good enough to work at a place that actually pays for your work.

You already know this and the money's gone so why not hope(as you said). The question is, "would you invest more and what would bring in more from you?"


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
How do you upgrade animations on placeholder models? I thought you needed to create animations for each specific model and can't just copy paste those animations for whatever.


It's not so much belief as a shred of hope.
No, that's pretty much what is known as sunk cost fallacy wrapped in denial.

The volunteer team has already produced more updates, on time, than the original development team (exception original lore team).
Yes because passing off stock unity assets until caught and rearranging/posing them is an "update".

Also "on time" becomes a bit silly too when you take that all into consideration AND add to it that there really arent any deadlines when its already dead to begin with.

Dressing up old snake oil, calling it new, and just putting it on a different shelf in a shyster's wagon doesnt change that its a shyster attempting to sell snake oil.

Jumping on said wagon to peddle just means more to tar and feather and run out of town on a rail.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Also, to answer someone's question regarding the store unity character models after the animation update - they are in fact placeholders.
No offense but that's kind of a dumb question. Yes, people were discussing it, but I don't think anyone needed clarification that Pantheon wasn't going to try releasing with with stock Unity assets. What I was wondering myself was whether they didn't feel the need to specify that those were Unity assets because they didn't stop to think that people might just assume that they were Pantheon created assets (and feel lied to later on when they discover otherwise), or if they intentionally said nothing so as to create the illusion that they had made more progress than they might otherwise have. The latter possibility is exactly what happened at the start of the KS when people saw that Beastman type char model with no disclaimer while Pantheon was touting it as a screenshot of their pre-Alpha progress. The impression I had at the beginning of the Kickstarter was that they were desperate to show ANY sign of progress and were trying to squeak that past people...because if you took those stock assets out of some of those screenshots you'd almost have had nothing left.


what exactly is Unity? is it a game or something that didnt pan out?
Its an engine that the makers of it learned that there is significant profit in getting others to think they can make games and assets from it and turn a profit from their trying(or succeeding) to do so. Part of the interest it draws is in the way unity is marketed to virtually anyone making people think they can make AAA titles overnight(Im exaggerating but the basic marketing seems to be this). They also encourage people to make assets and sell them on their market place too(seemingly with unity folks making some extra profit in transaction fees).


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Also, to answer someone's question regarding the store unity character models after the animation update - they are in fact placeholders. Question was asked and answered today on the official site.
No offense but that's kind of a dumb question. Yes, people were discussing it, but I don't think anyone needed clarification that Pantheon wasn't going to try releasing with with stock Unity assets.
what exactly is Unity? is it a game or something that didnt pan out?


Millie's Staff Member
thanks ceder and convo for an actual answer. everyone else. i know what it is now, i wasnt sure if it was a game that went south thats selling its engine to recoup losses or if it was made specifically as a moddable game engine for DIY amateur game devs.


What do you mean by "on time"?

Do they have milestones for us to view?
No, I've still asked for that. I was meaning more of the self imposed deadline thus far of "updates every 1-2 weeks" comment by Brad. Prior to the volunteer team, there was plenty promised, but the majority was never delivered. Obviously the updates aren't large, but it is at least something.


How do you upgrade animations on placeholder models? I thought you needed to create animations for each specific model and can't just copy paste those animations for whatever.
Here's a quote from the official site regarding your question,

Montreseur stated, "Unity uses a retargetable animation system for animation. Which essentially is a state machine, with different conditions for different animations. When you bring a character model into it, you assign the bones of the rigged model to the cooresponding bones in the mecanim system. So any character model with a humanoid skeleton can be assigned to the state machine.

So essentially the nodes of the state machine check- for instance- the Characters forward speed, once the character is no longer idle the walk animation starts. As the character starts accelerating, once it reaches a certain threshold of movement speed the run animation starts.

You can have complex webs of trees for all manners of animation, from swimming, all the way to the attack animations. You could even have seperate trees, for seperate races to provide offsets of the animation based on body shape. What we have currently is just a means to get around the world. The models as well, were just models that the last team had, and was using as placeholders. This area will get a lot of special attention, but at the moment it is not prorioty for the programmers because they have a lot of infrastrcture work that needs to be done before we worry about how polished the character controller is."


Very valid point and if I had been suckered I would be clinging to hope as well. Just like the poor retired person who had given money to Nigerian princes, I would hope that the one I donated to was the real deal. Unfortunately, this never happens and most people can see this because they aren't already invested. Brad isn't getting the funding to make a game and volunteers can only do so much. There is a reason someone is desperate enough to hop onto Brad's fairy dust machine in order to get into the industry. It's called not being good enough to work at a place that actually pays for your work.

You already know this and the money's gone so why not hope(as you said). The question is, "would you invest more and what would bring in more from you?"
I definitely wasn't suckered. Others might have felt that way, but I realized there was a shred of hope with the initial development team working basically as part-timers, and, from what I've seen produced thus far from the volunteers, it's about the same with the volunteer team.

No, I wouldn't invest more, but, I wouldn't have ever invested more originally either with the initial development team. I never was/will be on the subscription. Nothing would bring in more from me as my initial pledge obtained what I originally wanted from Pantheon (if released) - copy of game, etc.

The better question now is if I hadn't pledged, what I do so today given all that's transpired. The answer to that is no, but I would still take a wait and see approach. If significant updates were released by the volunteer team for months (or a year or so) which showed substantial, tangible progress and a chance at success, I would think about pledging at that point. Either way, I would try out the game if released regardless.


No, that's pretty much what is known as sunk cost fallacy wrapped in denial.

Yes because passing off stock unity assets until caught and rearranging/posing them is an "update".

Also "on time" becomes a bit silly too when you take that all into consideration AND add to it that there really arent any deadlines when its already dead to begin with.
It's true, I definitely have more emotional investment due to having invested. But, I disagree with the irrational point. I have no wild expectations of what to expect from a team of volunteers, but, they have done more than rearrange the assets. Most of the screenshots seen are new. On time isn't silly when considering "updates" were promised with the previous team that hardly ever were delivered. Even if minor 1-2 week updates are delivered now, that is improvement.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Can someone please catch me up on the last two weeks of this thread?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Requiem is hosting the pantheon site for free. Brad said he needed donations for the site upkeep.