Aychamo BanBan
- 6,338
- 7,144
Weller 12 is just Pappys but not quite good enough to get there. Blantons is good as well. I want to try some Garrison Brothers Cowboy.
I have tried the 20 year but according to Julian Van Winkle, he prefers the 15 year. I have a friend who lives in KY and knows the Van Winkle family.
If he likes Irish, get him a bottle of Midleton Very Rare, its pretty good too.
Honestly I think Weller 12 is way better than Old Rip Van Winkle 10 (there's no such thing as Pappy 10! to the poster below you! Yes, I know! But there aint no Pappy on the lable!) Most things I've read agree the 15 year Pappy is the best.
Has anyone tried Louis XIII? It's $3000 a bottle, or in restaurants usually $200 per pour. Insanely delicious.