Parent Thread

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Electric shock proximity collars also prevent children from running off.
And don't forget the kiddy leash too. I can't help but laugh when I see a kid being walked like a dog with one. lol

So our little guy is almost 4 months now. It's really cool to see the progress he's making. Two weeks ago he couldn't do shit with his hands besides jam them in his mouth. Now he's grabbing things and switching them from hand to hand too. He's also finally laughing in response instead of just when he needs to shit, fart, and/or puke. He loves when you smoosh his cheeks and make a raspberry noise. Huge smile and giggling. It's so friggin awesome.



A Mod Real Quick
Awesome dude, ours is right behind yours (little over 3 months). Seeing him smile all the time is awesome, although we haven't got a laugh yet - just some sort of explosion that takes place in his body when he wants to laugh. Last couple nights he's slept 6+ hours, so it's been good on the wife.

His favorite thing is when we steal his nose and also for some reason when I mock yell at him in a high pitched voice. Like when I open his diaper and say "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"


2 Minutes Hate
My daughter is now almost two and a half and she's right in the middle of the Terrible 2s but not nearly as bad. She gets whiny, she gets demanding but I make sure I step on that immediately. Only issue is my wife is a little bit of a sucker in that. "Oh she's just a little kid..." Fuck that. She's a devious devil child and she's luring you in with those adorable looks. She is manipulating you right now. Resist!

In any case, I'm very firm with her when she throws things or makes a mess. She always has to clean it up or apologize when she throws something. The other day she dumped her food on the dinner table and she could not get down until she said she was sorry and told me what she did wrong. My wife wanted to give in and just let her get down "because she was too young to realize anything". But I made her sit there and she eventually did it 20 minutes later after crying the whole time.


Golden Squire
Son's in summer school since we have to limit his "down time". Otherwise we'd never get him to go back. Anyway, they had a substitute the other day and this fucker basically threw out the routine, didn't follow the schedule at all, which of course sent my son into shutdown mode. It was so bad we couldn't get him to go to school the next day. Now, we talked with him and he understands that just because you have a bad day doesn't mean every day is going to be a bad day. That said, if you've ever worked with or been around an autistic child, then you know the routine iseverything. That this guy didn't bother follow theposted scheduleat the front of the class blew my mind. He went to school today, which was good, but I'd have preferred to avoid the day off.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, most of the times my life fell all to shit were because my routine got disrupted. Never recovered from the last one!

In other news, my nieces are going to be here for like five days straight while my sister is in Vegas for work. Jordan, the older one, is basically an angel 90% of the time. Jesse, who is like 2.5 or so, is a living embodiment of the terrible 2s. Sometimes I just want to fire her. out of a cannon. into the sun.



Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm very good with children, I used to babysit my friend's infant son regularly until she moved in with her boyfriend (now husband). Also, I moved back in with my folks around Christmas 2013. It's my mom they're being left with, although I'll be helping out quite a bit since my dad is terrible with children and will be leaving to go work on my aunt's house a couple hours north of here anyway.

I hate Jesse as much as it's humanly possible to hate an adorably cute 2 year old. Which is basically not at all.


<Gold Donor>
Went on a road trip last weekend to visit my parents. Unknown to my wife and I, our 4 year old was coming down with a stomach bug. About 2 hours into the 5 hour trip my 4 year announces he has to go potty. We asked him if he had to go poop or pee to which he just responded "pfffffttttt!" My wife and I were like wtf? and kept asking 1 or 2? We were a little perplexed because even though he has a slight cognitive delay and at times struggles to communicate things, he has been able to express potty needs for years.

So a few miles further we are able to pull off the road and go to a gas station. I take my son in the bathroom and he pulls down his pants, at that moment it became very clear what "pfffffttttt" meant. Some how by the grace of the "Road Trip Gods" the "pffffftttttt" was contained to his under-wear (which were left in bathroom trash). Nothing on his shorts and nothing on his car seat, a Christmas miracle in July!

I got back to the car and the wife asked if everything was ok, I replied "I now know what pffffftttttt means and JoJo is going commando."


Mr. Poopybutthole
I did something similar once. Was 8 I think, was feeling fine that morning but an hour or two into school I just got out of my desk and laid down on the floor because I felt so lousy. Mom came and got me, and I was lying on the floor of the minivan instead of sitting in a seat and she didnt feel like arguing about it. Lucky her because I vomited more than you would think an 8 year old could have in his stomach, absolutely coating myself, and didn't get a speck on the floor of the van.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Alright, so I have a situation here and I am not exactly sure what I should do next. Let me explain.

We went out to dinner tonight to a place called Pieology. The decor is mostly metal and wood, very similar to Chipotle. As we are in line ordering our pizza's, one of my 3 year old twins starts screaming. My wife picks her up to try and figure out what is going on, and she has a pretty sizable gash on her ankle. Here is what it looked like at the ER after they cleaned it up. Spoilered for anyone who may not want to look.


She ended up having to get 3 stitches to close it up. Made for a pretty unpleasant night overall.


So, how exactly did she cut it? At the base of the counter it is all metal, and where two of the pieces come together it essentially wasn't flush and was sharp as fuck. (apologies if I am not explaining this well enough, but basically picture baseboard but it is metal) She somehow managed to snag her ankle on it, we aren't entirely sure how. But this is where I get pretty pissed off with this place. We immediately let them know my daughter is cut, and the people putting our pizzas together just sorta look at us dumbfounded and keep asking what we want on our pizza. So I ask to speak to the manager just to let them know there is a serious issue with their counter. When I tell her what happened, she seems totally baffled and not at all sure how to handle it or what to do. She basically said "oh, I am sorry" and went back behind the counter. My mother in law was actually with us at the time, and while I was trying to get the pizza's finished up and manage the other 2 little ones, she asked the lady in charge if she wanted to go look at the cut. (my wife had taken her to the bathroom at this time to try and stop the bleeding).

The manager goes back to the bathroom and apologizes to my wife and asks if she needs anything. My wife managed to get the bleeding to stop (sort of) and put a big bandage on it. She comes out of the bathroom about 10 minutes later and my daughter is just sitting there crying, and we try to eat real quick and decide what to do next. Up until this point I hadn't actually seen the cut, so I didn't know exactly how bad it was other than it bled a lot. At one point another employee comes out with some ice, and she is super friendly and very apologetic. Up until this point it didn't seem like a single person gave a single fuck about what had happened. But here is where it gets even better. The employee tells us how they know it is really sharp, and they have had employees cut themselves on it before when cleaning. WTF?! She straight up admits to us that they knew it was a problem, and had done jack shit about fixing it. Needless to say, I am quite pissed at this point. However, clearly bitching at the manager in charge will do nothing because she is just a shift supervisor and is in over her head in this particular situation. So I figured I would call in and talk to the General manager later. When we went outside I pulled back the bandage to take a look, and knew we had to take her to the ER. So off we went.

I am just so baffled by their handling of the situation that I don't even know what to say. They clearly had no process in place for incident management, and if they did this manager had some seriously poor training. She didn't take down any of our info, didn't sit and ask questions about what happened or note down the extent of my daughters injury. I had to actually go and give her my contact information before I left, and told her I would be following up after we find out how bad the cut really is.

So I called them back tonight after we got home from the hospital, and it never answered so I left a relatively detailed message. Then I took another step and went to their corporate site and emailed them a detailed account of what happened. So we will see what happens next. Oh, and we did receive a call from the store tonight and the manager asked how my daughter was. We let her know that she needed 3 stitches and they should really get that taken care of. She said the GM came out and took pictures and sent it over to the owner. She apologized again and asked if there was anything they could do for us. I simply told her that I was pretty annoyed with how everything went down, that I had emailed corporate and I would wait to hear back from the owner and the Corp office.

On to my question. What do I do next? I really am not the type to sue, and I am not even sure we could here. But when I found out they knew about the problem, and even had their own employees cut by it before, I got pretty pissed off. My kid is only 3 years old, and hearing her scream as they gave her the shot to numb it (which didn't even work. she screamed each time he put the needle in to put in another stitch) and stitched her up was pretty damn upsetting. Do I just wait to hear what they have to say, and at least insist they reimburse our co-pay for the ER visit? I am just not sure what I should do next.

Sorry for the long wall of text. I wanted to try and give as much detail as possible.


2 Minutes Hate
The only thing to do is sue. The manager should of given you free food for a long time in any case.

Either suck it up, waste time and energy just yelling at them for no reason or sue them.


A Mod Real Quick
When I worked at a grocery store we had a young woman cut herself on a bathroom stall locking mechanism that had broken off. I was the store manager at the time so all I could really do was take down her info, offer to call an ambulance, photograph the broken piece and submit an incident report. I gave her corporates number and told her I would submit the report to them. There was literally nothing I could do at my level.

That said, seemed like your place didn't give a shit.


Yeah they handled it poorly but nothing else they could have offered at the time but platitudes.

That being said it would not have taken much to help you guys just a little bit.

On the issue of a lawsuit. I used to be that guy that would take whatever happens and move on. Not any more. Companies and people try to get away with as much as they can because there are no consequences any longer unless they lose a considerable amount of money. If I was in that situation and they were that unsympathetic I would start the process of a lawsuit. Even if I never receive a dime and just make them pay it out to a charity helping a Children's Hospital they would learn to respond to a situation and proactively take care of hazards.


Bronze Squire
On to my question. What do I do next? I really am not the type to sue, and I am not even sure we could here. But when I found out they knew about the problem, and even had their own employees cut by it before, I got pretty pissed off. My kid is only 3 years old, and hearing her scream as they gave her the shot to numb it (which didn't even work. she screamed each time he put the needle in to put in another stitch) and stitched her up was pretty damn upsetting. Do I just wait to hear what they have to say, and at least insist they reimburse our co-pay for the ER visit? I am just not sure what I should do next.
First thing I would do is contact your health care coverage provider and explain the incident to them. Hopefully they will pick up the ball from there and get everything taken care of.

Next I would try to get ahold of the owner, assuming it is an independently owned franchisee. The business will have liability coverage for things like this and if you get ahold of the owner he might submit a claim for you, but most owners would be hesitant to submit a claim on your behalf because it will cost them exponentially more money in increased rates than what your medical bills end up being. Also they can't just reimburse you because that is essentially admitting guilt which would leave them exposed to a much more damaging lawsuit down the road. Not an issue for people like you with a legitimate circumstance, but unfortunately there are unscrupulous people out there just looking to sue businesses on bogus claims. For example, someone could cut themselves in much the same manner your daughter did, then two years down the line claim they have never been able to walk straight since and threaten a monster lawsuit (looking for a quick insurance payout). As an owner, it is nearly impossible to sort out legitimate circumstances from the scammers so they have to go into CYA mode for any circumstance like yours. It isn't personal.

Just in case you do need to lawyer up, write down a detailed account of what happened now while it is still fresh in your mind. Include conversations and names if you have them. Probably would be a bad idea to get photos of the corner in question either.

Yeah they handled it poorly but nothing else they could have offered at the time but platitudes.
OSHA standards say that there must be a person on shift at all times certified in providing first aid unless they are near an urgent care center. I can't exactly remember how close-by "near" is, but they should have been able to provide first aid or at the very least directions to urgent care.

That being said, as an owner of a pizza restaurant, I am not surprised at all the employees went all "deer in headlights" on this. Most of the employees are either high school or fresh-in-college kids who have the attention span and life experience of gnats. I am willing to bet they were in fact trained on this situation but immediately flushed the info. Thankfully I have very few workplace injuries at my place, but despite the fact we have MONTHLY safety meetings where we go over this shit, every time an employee hurts themselves on the job I get a "what do I do?" phone call from my supervisors, and employees hurt themselves far more often than customers do.

I'm actually going to pop-quiz my management staffs now to see if they would handle Ameraves situation properly or not. I bet they need a refresher...


Silver Squire
You likely don't need a lawyer.

Get a copy of their liability insurance. The landlord will have a copy, city, etc. You can request a copy from their agent as well. File a claim with the insurance company yourself.

Also notify your health insurance carrier as they will also subrogate.

Notify the local, corporate and anyone else like owners and managers via certified mail of the incident and include pictures. That includes the land Lord or the plaza as they also have overriding insurance


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it. Going to sit down with the wife and take the next steps.

To be honest I wasn't all that shocked that the employees were baffled at what to do. I was mostly disappointed in the manager being completely lost though. That and the fact that they had an issue that they knew existed. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be nearly as annoyed with it all. I mean shit happens, kids get hurt. But that is just negligent on their part for ignoring the problem.