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The youngest niece started preschool this year. Some boy was picking on her friend, wouldn't leave the friend alone. The niece told him to back off or she'd cut his fingers off with scissors.
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Let it go then, adapt and adjust. Wash him fast in the shower with you.Bath time used to be fairly awesome, kid would sit and lay down as required and just play with toys for 10 or so minutes. Now bath time is a nightmare. He stands the whole time and tries to climb out so someone has to sort of hold him to just stand there. When we need to rinse him with water from the top town insane tears start happening. Major flip outs and tantrums. It's like.. Dude just sit and lay down and this would be so easy.
Someone tell me this is just a phase....
It's for life. I still do this if my wife tries to bathe me.Bath time used to be fairly awesome, kid would sit and lay down as required and just play with toys for 10 or so minutes. Now bath time is a nightmare. He stands the whole time and tries to climb out so someone has to sort of hold him to just stand there. When we need to rinse him with water from the top town insane tears start happening. Major flip outs and tantrums. It's like.. Dude just sit and lay down and this would be so easy.
Someone tell me this is just a phase....
$23 CD player from Walmart with a yiruma piano Cd I burned on endless repeat every single night. Works great!What kind of audio setup do you guys have for your kids? Docking station maybe? Using iPod and amazon Fire HD 8. Looking for something that does not involve cd's - girl is 4 yo.
I've not looked into local language as far as streaming goes, but it might be alright as long as I can load old school mp3s. I'd love a google home, but it's not available here in Eurofag land.
Either see if he likes showering with either of you, or bubbles, lots of bubbles. and a new bath toy he will like.Bath time used to be fairly awesome, kid would sit and lay down as required and just play with toys for 10 or so minutes. Now bath time is a nightmare. He stands the whole time and tries to climb out so someone has to sort of hold him to just stand there. When we need to rinse him with water from the top town insane tears start happening. Major flip outs and tantrums. It's like.. Dude just sit and lay down and this would be so easy.
Someone tell me this is just a phase....
Need some advice from the brain trust. My girlfriend of two years is moving in within the next two weeks. She has a 10 year old son. I have no kids and have never lived with any children before so I'm a bit nervous. He'll be with us for about 9 out of 14 days every two weeks and with his dad the other days. Me and her son have a pretty good relationship. He's a really good kid and thinks the world of me from what she tells me. He brags to his friend and teachers about me and he's really excited about moving in too. He loves that I play video games, he's super excited I'm gonna give him my PS4 for his room(his mom could never afford one for him bring a single mom). At the beginning of the relationship it was really tough/weird for me all of a sudden having a 8 year old in my life that I didn't really have any attachment to but ive really come to terms with it with the last 8 months and accept him fully as someone that's going to be in my life going forward. I'm not looking to replace his dad at all, even though his dad is a douche. I just want to be a really positive person and relationship in his life. Any advice from someone that went through a similar situation?
I think one thing you want to avoid is to first and foremost be his buddy. There are going to be many times where he is going to have to respect the authority your station in life grants you over him, like if your girlfriend has to run to the store and he stays home. I'm not suggesting you thunder in and beat your chest and establish your dominance in all situations. But whether or not you want to replace his dad, you're going to be acting as such some times. And that can be a very good thing.
I would also be very clear both to him and his mom that you are there to help mom do her job and enforce whatever rules she might lay down. Be consistent.
I would also strongly encourage you to talk to your girlfriend about this frequently. Have regular talks about your relationship with her son, what her expectations are of you, what she expects of her son in your relationship. Check in with her often on these topics.
Finally, talk to the kid. Yeah, you're going to be "in charge" at times, but it is also healthy to show you're unsure, too. Tell him you are worried you'll mess things up, reassure him that he's not the only one in the room that is worried or stressed. That will go a long way.