With my first kid, my wife still worked so we did a family daycare when super young, and transitioned to a learning-focused (still family ran) daycare when she was closer to school age. This was in the bay area, California, and was $900/mo.
After the second kid my wife stopped working, and I changed to work from home full time. We worked with her until near-school-age, and she met the cutoff for Jr Kindergarten, which is provided by the school district, so we did that. That school is within walking distance and is a JrK - 8th grade. 10 years of schooling within 1/3rd of a mile. Jr K let out at 11:30, so we sent her to the school after school program until 2:30, so she got out at the same time as my oldest. That after school care was amazingly $60/mo.
My final kid, he's a handful - doesn't qualify for Jr K (due to his birthdate), so instead we're sending him to a preschool this final year before Kindergarten. He turns 5 in Feb.
For pricing, we're doing 5 days a week, 7:45am-11:45am, and it's $500/mo. There are only two children doing 5 days a week, so Friday is 1:1 time with the two teachers. The class size is 9, on the busiest days.
School is just school - you want the kids in a safe atmosphere. You have to work with them in order for them to succeed. Sending them to some school won't cut it. You don't have to do the super fancy stuff. At least that's my take on the situation.