Jesus christ, principals are incompetent. We're having bullying issues with our 10 year old daughter. A few weeks ago a boy pushed her up against the wall in PE and choked her. She told her teacher and the principal (and us), they said it would be dealt with. A couple days later she's playing with friends outside and he throws her down on the concrete. The next week he told her if she tattled on him again, he'd put her in the hospital. She talked to us and we went to her teacher and the principal. They said they are taking it very seriously and it wouldn't happen again. Today she goes to sit down in art class and he pulls the chair out from under her and shoves her against another table causing her to hit her head. Obviously I emailed the principal right away, asking her to call me first thing tomorrow.
Anyone know what I can demand here? Because I'm really wanting this kid kicked out of school. I kind of figured he'd be suspended after the first couple of incidents, but apparently not. I'm worried he's going to seriously hurt her. Apparently he's done these things to other girls as well. Can I go to the police? Am I over reacting?
We've dealt with bullying before, but it was minor stuff that happens around that age. I was never overly concerned. This stuff is serious.
I was going to reply to several posts after this one but I'm too dumb to multiquote so.
If the school is not taking action, I'd be at the parents and demand they teach their little shit some manners.
If that fails / is not an option, I might be sued because I might hit the little shit.
Back in my days (yadda yadda), seriously though, I was on the receiving end a few times. One when I was in elementary school, mom grabbed the kid by the arm on our way home and told him to leave me alone. That worked.
Later at 14 or so, some kids bullied me over a few months, mother told teacher, teacher told them to stop it (without naming me but they immediately said "oh I know who tattled"). In the end I had to punch one of them in the guts to get their respect.
Around the same time one of my cousin's friends also did the whole push/punch game. Dad handled that one and to this day I have no idea what he did, but knowing my dad he might have shown him his knife and talked about teenage boys balls. Never had as much as a bad word come out of that guy's mouth again.
Anyway, my girls are five and two years old and I hope they will never be in this situation. As I said, I might end up throttling the little shit. Or his parents. Or both.