My Wife and I decided to do away with birth control a few months ago and 'let nature take it's course'...after a week or two of feeling pretty sick my Wife just took a test and both lines lit up. It's absolutely what we both want but, and I'm sure I'm not alone, the emotions running around my head are pretty mixed and scary right now.
It's funny how, after originally finding this site in the early 00s for Vex Thal pics when my guild were still farming ToV, I find myself breaking my daily routine of browsing the FSR to read a thread about parenthood! Where did those 15, 16 years go?!
If anyone has any websites they'd recommend or golden tips for the next few weeks and months I'd be very grateful! My Wife and I are both teachers of young children (her 3 - 4 year olds and me 6 - 7 year olds) but I'm not sure it prepared me in any way for these feelings. I also just gave up teaching and opened my own gym which, whilst it's opened well and is making solid profits, scares the hell out of me. Providing for a mortgage feels a lot different to providing for an upcoming family. The 16 hour days I'm clocking up are also going to need addressing.
I've also suddenly started dissecting just how awful a Father I had (the typical alcoholic, abusive, cut contact with him a decade ago etc) and panicking about the cycle repeating itself as he did his Father. Cards on the table, after celebrating all night and my Wife going to bed I found myself suddenly crying on the sofa (like a bitch). I was always pretty sure it was the girl that was meant to experience hormonal moments. My Wife is one of those women just born to be a Mother and making sure I don't let her down is at the forefront of my brain.
From what I've already read it feels like these first few months involve heavy self-reflection whilst simultaneously prioritising the Mum's stress levels, emotions etc. I'm just amazed at the realisation that my Wife is growing someone inside of her, just amazing. I've always really admired her but it's on a completely different level.