So apparently stash tabs are on sale… I got my 300 points from the EA. What do you PoE vets recommend to get?
I assume currency is a given? Whatever is the best value at the moment, if I need more than 300 points I guess I can always upgrade this shit but I couldn’t give a fuck less about cosmetic shit in this game.
Many of the old tabs didn't cross over.
Currency yes. Quad yes. Essence yes. premium yes.
Fragments no. maps no. Divination no.
PS logged into poe1 to check tabs I had. oh man its hard to go back. movement, graphics, everything.
I see delirium and unique tabs in poe2 for sale. Thought I had a unique. I guess not was just using quad tab for uniques I guess.
Currency is a must have yes.
Essence probably never was. just not enough to justify.
Upgrade to premium stash tab x5. yes. you get 5 basic stash tabs for free. upgrading all five to premium would be 50. (75 normally)
Premium bundle yes. premium bundle is 6. 12x12x6 200/6=33.3 per tab. 165 sale/6= 27.5 per tab.
Quad probably. premium bundle is technically cheaper per slot. quad is 4 in one. 24x24. 150/4=37.5 per "tab" on sale for 120/4=30- per. "tab"
Fragments were a must have imho. but have not been transferred yet.
Same with maps.
Premium tabs have public/private, naming and color coding. opening them up for marketplace trading.
The upgrade to premium for 50, doesn't increase space, but does let you color code and label them. And trust me, league after league of "remove only" you need labels.
all tabs have affinities to allow autosorting to them. affinities have not been updated to poe2.