I'm still questioning passive counts... I'm not sure people are really plotting out the notables and how little you can travel if we only get 122 as before. its like the passive tree is 20% larger, with 20% more travel nodes. if we don't get 20% more passives, it will be harder to travel across the tree then before.
witch-mind over matter in poe 1. 7 passive points.
witch/sorc- mind over matter in poe2. 14 passive points. its not in exactly the same spot... but if we swapped locations it would be only 9 in poe1, and still 9 in poe 2.
witch-ancestral bond in poe 1. 12 points.
witch-AB in poe 2. 18 points.
CI 11 versus 17
and this is skipping everything, and just shortest travel.
its 11 points to cross the middle of a class in poe1. its 13 in poe2.
its 9 points to cross the outer edge in poe1, 11 in poe2.