It's not a big deal no, it's ok but not important. You could go left if you want, the health node is a lot stronger though. Also you do get some evasion+armor that you hadn't picked in your build. If you go for Leather and Steel, you have 4points of fillers to get to IR, if you go right side, only 2points of filler, plus one more for the big health node. You really don't need that much evasion/armor% anyway, and you already get tons from the double evasion big node that Scion has easy access to. But even that I wouldn't take until 60 ish if that, you'll get most of the armor you need from Grace alone without any evasion%.Thanks, been so long since I played this and the passive tree is A LOT different. Didn't really study it too long was just trying to come up with something decent. Pyros' tree has a lot less wasted points in it, though I'm curious why go to iron reflexes that way and skip the Leather and Steel node off to the left? is 24% Armor and Evasion rating not a big deal?
new. guilds werent in back then.Reached Act 3 now, level 28, I think I'll play this for a while. Is this RR guild thing still going or was that from beta times?