Some interesting posts from Bex:
I'm playing in the Flashback event because I wanted to try out Wintertide Brand(it's decent with Holy Conquest, aids without). I'm ignoring Heist. They cannot make it rewarding enough for me to want to relevel, regear, and requestline all of that content again in such a short event. Now, perhaps proximity to 3.12 is something to consider, I don't really have a recent event to compare this too. Synthesis flashback was so long ago. And nearly OG why the fuck not?
I'm having trouble imagining how they are going to integrate without neutering it and making it accessible at the same time. FWIW, for example, Delirium is NOT suitably integrated. The Delirium mirror in maps suitably integrated, it's fun once in a while. Cluster jewels, have fun getting those when it's not a Zana mod or broken Harvest crafting. I didn't do one Simulacrum during Heist. Only attempted one in Harvest because it was a challenge. Aura stackers dominating the end game meta. Fractured delirious map farming. I would not call that well integrated content. If we end up with Heist going core because some fucking pussies don't want to post their opinion on reddit and we end up with fractured blueprints bottoming the currency market...
Heist *can* go core. There's just a ton they need to fix in order to do so. And I worry them listening to some special snowflakes emailing them plus fallacious engagement metrics is going to lead to half assed integration. I would love to be wrong!
Why are the engagement metrics fallacious? PoE essentially has a years-long ARPG monopoly. Plus a whole lot of people staying at home. I don't know how you would normalize the data such that you could compare it to other leagues like they say they are doing as justification for it going core, but you should be at the very least suspicious of it.
<---------This special snowflake didn't post on reddit either. But for other reasons.