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It depends what your class is and your charges #. The reason Replica is worth much more than regular is because Endurance charges are very hard to generate for a lot of classes, especially caster types. Power and Frenzy charges are much easier to charge with Power charges basically being free for almost anyone via cluster, support gem, skils (power siphon) or certain rolls on items. Frenzy charges are harder to constantly generate on a boss for most people, but easy to generate on kill. Endurance charges outside of Warcries and Ascendancies have no stellar way of being generated.Isn’t regular farruls better than replica? Moot point for me as I will be lucky if I can afford farruls in the first week, and replica is like 3x the price lol.
So far power siphon looks like a good league starter pre discharge. Never played it but it’s puttin out big numbers in pob.
But again if you're an Assassin or something, generating Endurance charges isn't very important since you'll probably only have 3 for your discharges anyways. Power Siphon + a frenzy % on hit chest and you should be good for the most part and wouldn't need a Farrul's.