I just want to watch my flame golems explode stuff. One day I will get my buff and I can autist away.
Kinda? I think after like a week, all the non meta unique chests tend to be really cheap even 6L, often cheaper than rares because you can't mod them. I remember last time I played poison I used the dendrobate chest and it was really cheap only a few days into the league compared to more meta options(and even that was already not completely weird stuff since it's a decent starting poison chest).I still think the six linking cost limits the value of a whole host of the random unique chests.
Lol, pretty silly but I believe it. Did these guys not see the 3.15 nerfs?? Even without that basis of comparison the nerfs happening (at least so far) are pretty low key. Caveat: I don't play or know shit about minions really. Even then, it looks like a lot of the nerfs are going to be offset by gear/skill changes? No reason to get bent out of shape just yet.
Hell, even if minions are getting nerfed, that means they'll be off meta... perfect time to check it out!