BV poison/chaos looks pretty good.
Pretty much any shock/lightning build will be good.
Anything trickster is going to be meta as fuck, the sustain and thickness of that ascendancy is going to carry anything so fucking hard.
There's really a ton of new stuff that will work you just have to get away from the same shit thats been the meta for the past 5 leagues now.
Some of the new uniques that are stacking flat chaos damage everywhere is going to be absolutely nuts.
This league the campaign will most likely be the fastest and easiest to get through than any league prior, with some luck on drops of course.
I dare say even an ele wander will be good with that lovely thunderfist buff.
We now have many ways to build flicker strike, which is extremely welcome.
A lot of those unique buffs are just absolutely amazing for getting something good enough to farm for an endgame build if not some being outright OP enough to take you to red maps.
The ex/divine shit sounds good in theory but I have a feeling they aren't going to be as chase worthy as they think they will be. I didn't hear anything about increasing drop rates for exalts so they will still be valuable, just now you have to decide whether to divine a 1c unique or save for your bench crafts (they wont be slamming uniques like they think you will).
All in all, it sounds good enough to play and see how it all feels, which is about where we were with the 3.17 which is a good place to be.
Only thing that made me go "that sucks" was them removing toxic sewer map

Loved that map for flicker clear.