Do you have a PoB on that one DW? You've mentioned it before, would be curious to look at it
One league too late! Pre-nerf Brittle was the lazyman's CoC. Now you're going to have to work for it.
Eeww, aiming. The main reason I'm doing the same skill but with mines. Also, minefield is being slept on.changed my mind raider tr!
Eeww, aiming. The main reason I'm doing the same skill but with mines. Also, minefield is being slept on.
is this a joke? jesus, they really can't even do a simple thing like that right. why the fuck they didn't just use how searching for an item highlights the target, is simply beyond me.
but at least they're trying to fix it. Emphasis on trying, because they'll probably just change the width of the border from 1 pixel to 3 and call it a day.
Arming time. I can't stand the delay. Same reason I won't play totems.why not traps?
What kind of attributes? If you're looking for attack speed/damage effectiveness or crit chance/damage effectiveness these should work:Is there a good place to view a spreadsheet of gem attributes? I think I want to try making my own build this league.
I did say i was worried lolNow i'm worried.
They buffed the new lightning skills by a crazy amount compared to what they'd shown before.
Lightning conduit went from -> to
1842 top end -> 2359
10% more / 5% shock -> 15% more/5 shock
5% crit -> 6% crit
26 mana -> 16 mana
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I haven't played coc for like 10 leagues, thinking about coc ass
I generally make PoB's for myself, they aren't handholdy. But, to that end, this is what I term a "League Starter":
This one specifically I'm a bit iffy on in a few places:
- Level 90, rare exceptions
- Rare gear has 3 T3 affixes and an open crafting affix
- Weapons and high demand(like ES shield and amulets) slots have 2 T3 affixes
- No uniques that are over 10c after the first weekend.
- Tabula has historically been an exception to this
- At least 0% chaos resist if possible.
- Ironically, after complaining about socket pressure, I have 5 open sockets on this build. I seriously don't know what to add that would be a major benefit. There's obviously a few fringe supports that can be added but will not fit in "League Starter", like L3 Enlighten.
- I'm not a huge fan of Wither Totems, self cast Despair, and Vaal Blight. That's one too many buttons to press. If that's really annoying, get a on-hit Despair ring.
- Socket colors on a short bow(Porcupine cards) might be a no go for "League Starter".
- Amulet and quiver might be expensive.
Possible 1 button L. conduit set up, that works in game as far as i can tell:
Malachai loop (self shock) + ralakesh impatience (to trigger the malachai loop) + shock prolif (to spread shock) + inpulsa (to be unnaffected by the shock yourself)
This way i think (if ralakesh impatience work instantly) i can stutter step on 65% shock even on uber pinnacle bosses.
With uniques and clusters, but no enchants and just life res rares i can get around 10 million fake guardian/pinnacle dps (fake because you need to stutter step)
The benefit over storm brand is that you have a base shock value (15%). Which means it's not tied in how hard your shock applier hits which is why it would work on uber pinnacle bosses with classes other than elementalist which might have trouble getting to 65%.Hmm this seems like so much more work than just using storm brand isn't it?
It should work though provided Ralakesh gives you a power charge instantly like that on stopping and doesn't require you wait for the full second, but even if it's instant that sounds super annoying to build up to max power charges every time you need to shock?