Millie's Staff Member
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lol I just went from 93 to 94 doing all my backlogged Heists below level 81.
Now I am trying to get the achieve.
Now I am trying to get the achieve.
How long have Memories been in the game? I just had my first one drop and it is very interesting. I must have missed when they were released. Kind of like Ritual - I have no idea how to use the frags.
3 from winged isnt needed if youSo I dropped my main game War Thunder a couple of weeks ago and PoE has become my go-to. Really getting into it for the first time in about 4 years - it is just too bad it wasn't during a better league.
I just want to note that I have been playing this game since 2013 and I am now watching videos to better strategize stuff. I just yolo'd Heist, but man you can seriously min/max. I specced Essence for a while for the achieve and, holy crap, was I swimming in that stuff lol. I just watched an Expedition logbook video.
I am also researching crafting for the first time. I was lucky that I found an almost perfect main hand weapon for my build (less one affix).
I am glad I am still unemployed (about to start looking again, le sigh, summer is over), this is nearly a full time job........
I am also respecced into Abyss for the achieve, and I am wondering how I get 5 abysses - I assume I need a winged scarab?
By the by, I have used something like 100+ sextants and have yet to see one for Abyss.3 from winged isnt needed if you
2 from the map device
1 from sextant
2 from gilded scarab
Part of me is curious as to the personal reasons MF from gear isn't removed. Seems like an easy fix. A mid-league fix even. So, some higher up has to be blocking this. Remember, Gold flasks are relatively new(3.15 I think), so it's not like there is this legacy fleet they just forgot about.
The other part of me doesn't want a so horribly out of touch response akin to "weight" and "close your eyes and slam".
In a previous post, we mentioned we were discussing issues related to magic find/culling feeling mandatory as well as cases where it feels bad to get a lot of quality currency or flasks from killing a monster with specific Archnemesis modifiers. In both of these cases, our discussions are ongoing. However, in order to provide a bit more certainty, we can say that we don't have easy solutions for these issues mid-league and will be looking at what's possible for 3.20.
Right, I want to know the hold up. Who's against removing MF gear and what's their pants-on-head reason?
In theory, MF gear could be interesting. Depower your build for more rewards. The average build has far too many checkboxes to fill and resulting gear slot contention for it to be interesting anymore. I actually wonder if the Gold flask was introduced for that reason. The developers found slotting in MF gear into the barren hellscape of the 3.15 meta to be far more difficult than one flask.
Also, shouldn't exist while gear swapping exists. Ideally, rewards would be scaled by proportion of damage dealt, but that would kill party play(don't care) and I'm pretty sure their engine can't actually do that. It's why dot kills by anything(mines, minions, traps, etc) are attributed to the owner.