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Right, I want to know the hold up. Who's against removing MF gear and what's their pants-on-head reason?
In theory, MF gear could be interesting. Depower your build for more rewards. The average build has far too many checkboxes to fill and resulting gear slot contention for it to be interesting anymore. I actually wonder if the Gold flask was introduced for that reason. The developers found slotting in MF gear into the barren hellscape of the 3.15 meta to be far more difficult than one flask.
Also, shouldn't exist while gear swapping exists. Ideally, rewards would be scaled by proportion of damage dealt, but that would kill party play(don't care) and I'm pretty sure their engine can't actually do that. It's why dot kills by anything(mines, minions, traps, etc) are attributed to the owner.
The simplest way to fix the MF issue is to snapshot quant/rarity at time map is opened or when the monster is first loaded into memory (eg: when you enter the portal). MF would be a thing, but MF cullers to call in would have no effect.