Harvest + Essences + Eater Alters + Some Niko (Packed with Energy is probably the single best node on the entire tree IMO, and you get a decent amount of Azerite to trade in for resonators which sell quick)
Sextants are:
25% more magic pack size (this seems to work with Harvest - 3-5c each
Niko is in your maps - 3-5c each
Chisel to 20%, alch and go.
I tested a bunch of different things and:
1) Color Juice Harvest Sextants are not worth it. The Blue and Purple ones fuck your yellow spawns and the Yellow ones are way too expensive to be worth (thanks scarab nerds)
2) Sacred Grove appears enough on its own with this tree (90+%) that the plain Sacred Grove sextants also just dont seem to be worth it.
Ran all my sanctums during the grind session as well.
I don't keep stats or use excellence or whatever that try hard div per hour site is but I mapped hard for ~16 hours over 2 days and made 118 div (14 of which came from a div alter)