Path of Exile


Avatar of War Slayer
6hour mark is kamil and kane. music and sound.

goals for combat audio in poe 2.
-taming the chaos.. somewhat.
-player centric sound design
supporting build possibilities.

each weapon type now has unique drop, pickup, equip, and attack sounds. you'll be able to ID an axe by sound alone.


<Gold Donor>
Watching some of that game play they brought in gold for one reason only... Its to have some sort of reward drop from mobs since it looks like item and currency drops seem way more rare than they are in POE1 and their loot explosions every time you killed a white mob.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Watching some of that game play they brought in gold for one reason only... Its to have some sort of reward drop from mobs since it looks like item and currency drops seem way more rare than they are in POE1 and their loot explosions every time you killed a white mob.
This isn't a bad thing, assuming they can pull it off. The absolute massive amount of trash loot that drops in PoE 1 is insane.
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Potato del Grande
This isn't a bad thing, assuming they can pull it off. The absolute massive amount of trash loot that drops in PoE 1 is insane.
I think that when you play through a zone, you should never fill your inventory if you pick up every rare item.

You should be able to pick up everything you earned and either have it be useful or sell it for currency. I don't think Diablo 2 was far off that.

It's just a waste of time having hundreds of items drop.


<Gold Donor>
This isn't a bad thing, assuming they can pull it off. The absolute massive amount of trash loot that drops in PoE 1 is insane.
I saw a dude go through 3 zones and not one thing dropped except some gem, one yellow and white trash drops. And the yellow dropped when he killed a unique mob that took him like 10 min. I mean I get what you are sayying but going 100% the opposite way feels like trash too. Like was said, PoE 2 is the second coming of Ruthless, which hardly anyone plays because its a trash mode.


Avatar of War Slayer
Watching some of that game play they brought in gold for one reason only... Its to have some sort of reward drop from mobs since it looks like item and currency drops seem way more rare than they are in POE1 and their loot explosions every time you killed a white mob.
its definitely something like that. they didn't like how 99.9% of drops are skip or vender trash. so even if you did pick it up, you'd sell for a few scrap currency shards. the loot system also directly conflicted with the portal count system.
I really liked the currency system. really made ssf interesting. SSF in general seems like its going to be really dumbed down. free skill gems, no worry about item links, gold currency, no worry about alts, etc.


<Gold Donor>
You still have to worry about links, since they come from more rare currency item drops as the links grow on your items. And im sure they are rare as fuck because you know, ARPG RNG loot. I watched 2 45 min streams of this shit and I never saw one. And how many item slots are there? How many of those items do you need?

Im sure all this shit will get balance passes in the next 1.5 yrs but so far from what I have seen from POE2 just does not impress.

My first take away from their keynote showcase of POE2 is how the attacks from the monk and wiz looked great, the new graphics and animations were spot on, but he kept hitting mobs for Zdps with those awesome looking attacks, and white mobs at that. 10 min long battles with bosses, and there is 100 of them? I know they are optional but still.Overall it just looked tedious to me, like Barb gameplay from D4 in early levels type tedious.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
LMAO so not only do I have to rerun the campaign 9000 times, now I have to kill all 100 bosses on each character...

You boys like doing 392 Dark Souls playthroughs?!?!

JFC I hate that autists infest the gaming industry.
Complains that he doesn’t want to run the campaign 9000 times, implying he wants to make 9000 characters then has the audacity to complain about autism.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Complains that he doesn’t want to run the campaign 9000 times, implying he wants to make 9000 characters then has the audacity to complain about autism.
Clearly I was being hyperbolic but I can see how an autist might be confused and think I was speaking in actualities.

The point being, making boss stat drops 100% tied to character sounds even worse than the "bonus" spec points are in PoE 1 - which themselves are already toxic as fuck.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think one thing to note is that they're basically resetting the power curve too. POE2 will of course be a live service game that will hopefully go as long as POE1. You gotta leave room for power creep.

Still, gotta admit I'm closer skeptical then hype at this point. I just hope its fun. They've very obviously taking it back to Act 2 Vaal Oversoul farming shenanigans as well as Ruthless seems to have a big influence on their design choices.

Still, although I love to bash Ruthless I've never tried it and the people that have actually say its not too bad. Upgrades feel more impactful, design decisions seem to matter more etc. Still after seeing all this I understand why they're keeping POE1 around.

The point being, making boss stat drops 100% tied to character sounds even worse than the "bonus" spec points are in PoE 1 - which themselves are already toxic as fuck.

What's worrying about this is that it seems you'll have to "progress" through the Atlas or whatever progression mode that's after the campaign on alts, unlike now where you get an alt to 68 its pretty much free game to twink them out and hop into red maps. Its one thing to go through the campaign hitting all the skill points, its another having to redo the Atlas all over again. Fuuuuuck


Avatar of War Slayer
You still have to worry about links, since they come from more rare currency item drops as the links grow on your items. And im sure they are rare as fuck because you know, ARPG RNG loot. I watched 2 45 min streams of this shit and I never saw one. And how many item slots are there? How many of those items do you need?

Im sure all this shit will get balance passes in the next 1.5 yrs but so far from what I have seen from POE2 just does not impress.

My first take away from their keynote showcase of POE2 is how the attacks from the monk and wiz looked great, the new graphics and animations were spot on, but he kept hitting mobs for Zdps with those awesome looking attacks, and white mobs at that. 10 min long battles with bosses, and there is 100 of them? I know they are optional but still.Overall it just looked tedious to me, like Barb gameplay from D4 in early levels type tedious.
yeah, we don't know the drop rates for jewellers etc will be sure.
skill gems drop with 2 open links, random colors.
9 skill gem slots.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I honestly don’t think I’ll touch PoE again until 2 hits but fuck does that look sooooo much better than d4.


Avatar of War Slayer
8hour mark is a must watch for everyone here.

Q and A hosted by Kripp with, David Brevik, Max and eric schaefer, chris wilson from grinding gear games, travis baldree, and erick olofsson.

first question is, "what do you guys think about the current trend of stay out of the giant red circle?"

"what do you think about gold and trading". brings out alot of good varied opinions as well.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
8hour mark is a must watch for everyone here.

Q and A hosted by Kripp with, David Brevik, Max and eric schaefer, chris wilson from grinding gear games, travis baldree, and erick olofsson.

first question is, "what do you guys think about the current trend of stay out of the giant red circle?"

"what do you think about gold and trading". brings out alot of good varied opinions as well.

Yea this entire interview panel was just awesome. Basically every OG in the same room.

That had to have been pretty vindicating for Chris that he even gets to sit on the same panel as them
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Vyemm Raider
Just thought I'd throw some shade Blizzard's way.

faces of gaming.jpg
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Tranny Chaser
There's nothing about that league mechanic that needs to stick around. It's low effort with a bunch of borrowed power.