Potato del Grande
How long has current league been going for? Reading this thread kinda makes me want to play another one but I don't like starting too far in to leagues.
I think my original question was that I posted my build and said, what's next? Seems like all the actual gear upgrades are several divines, so I asked if I should just be buying prisms to increase all the skill gems to 20% quality.I asked you to ask anything specific. If you want me to simply "tell you how to make money" I can give you some basic pointers that allow to EVERY way to make money:
1. Understand that Path of Exile rewards based on focus and efficiency. If you are picking up scrolls of wisdom and portal scrolls you're doing it wrong. You want to use a high strictness filter (if you are not sure what this is let me know) and not waste time picking things up. How to get portal scrolls and wisdom scrolls then? Pick up stacks >= 6 of Orb of Transmutations. Sell them to vendor. Get tons of wisdom scrolls. Buy portal scrolls in epilogue for scrolls of wisdom.
2. Understand that Path of Exile also rewards based on investment. You can "Alch and Go" your maps - meaning alchemy and run it. But if you add things like a "Scarab" to the map to "juice" it, it makes it have more juice, and thus gives you more rewards. In my strand maps, I put in a Torment, Ambush, and Elder scarab and a sacrifice fragment in each one. A sacrifice fragment gives 5% more quantity and nothing else. An Ambush scarab adds more strongboxes to the map. A Torment scarb adds more tormented spirits to the map. An Elder scarab adds more mobs to the map. Since I have speced ambush in the Atlas tree, all my boxes are rare, all can dupe div cards and currency. I have also speced full Torment, so any mobs the tormented spirits "touch" (a flame is above their head) or possess (where they say words in green above the mob with green orbs surrounding it like "Thief's Grip") drop WAY more items, since they have huge quantity modifiers. I also speced into harbinger because it spawns more mobs that can be killed with the wisps. Breach would be better, but I have a hard time when a map is REALLY juiced with wisps, so harbinger is a good balance. Plus, I can (and have) gotten fractured shards which are very valuable.
3. Set up a dump tab as I mentioned. Spend time "rolling" all your maps. If you are unsure what this means, it means use alchemy orbs to rare your maps then scour/alchemy ones with mods you cant do such as reflect damage. Optionally you can vaal them after to super-juice them, but you need to be careful with this. I personally have an entire quad tab full of Strand maps ready to go. Literally 500 maps rolled, and ready to run. When you run a map, finish it, pop a portal, put new map in, open it and while you're waiting the 3 seconds for it to open, go to your stash tab and dump everything in your stash. The overwhelming amoutn of things should just be currency with a very strict filter. Ideally, you will want to run one type of map, over and over again. I personally choose strand. It might not be the best, but I enjoy it the most. I've run about 3,000 or so this league so far. If you want to vaal/super juice your maps, you will want to 20% quality them through chisels, alchemy them, check them for bad mods you cant run, and chaos or scour/re-alchemy if they have bad mods, then once OK, use a vaal. If it goes unidentified its okay - it has the same mods as before the vaal. If the mods change, check again if you have any you can't run and if so.. the map is basically bricked. But if not, you can run it.
4. The reason why I choose Essences, Strongboxes, Torment, Shrines, and Harby in my atlas tree is that Essences are bank this league, Strongboxes are very good especially Divination Boxes which can (and have in my past) dropped extremely valuable divination cards. I've gotten a double apothecary card before, which was an 80 divine drop last league. Torment is in my opinion EXTREMELY underrated, and makes the mobs drop a shitload more items. Harbinger is nice, just for the extra mobs and stuff. Shrines are excellent, because sometimes a super juiced essence mob might take a lot of time to kill but with a Divine shrine you cant die, or a spell echo/acceleration shrine it will die much faster. Plus covetous shrine is yet more loot that drops. With this strategy and in my atlas tree, I have very juiced mods allowing high pack size, quantity, and rarity.
If you have any questions about anything I've mentioned, please ask. I love to help on things like this, but again I take a low-risk, high-reward approach to path of exile. A lot of people feel running millions of tier 3 maps is just boring shit. I love it.
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Thanks for the tips!
I have been pretty slack this League due to being sick and also decided to change my League Starter after getting to 87. Still working on my Atlas as of now. Got almost all Yellows done but have not ventured into Reds yet.
Not to be mean but I feel you need to be slightly Autistic or Hyperfocused to enjoy understanding PoE. Or I might just be a low IQ individual because I cant really muster the time and energy to learn whats worth what.
I got two family members that play and they are at your level or above but I suspect diagnosis in them for sure. Not that thats a bad thing, but I aint gifted by that at least.
I do have AwakenedPoE and as you said I probably have a small stash of Chaos if I sold essences etc.
Will upgrade my build tonight with some gear and continue pushing the Atlas.
Whats a good noob friendly Atlas build? I pretty much only specced additional map drops/quality right now due to said family member giving me that tip to get map drops.
I think my original question was that I posted my build and said, what's next? Seems like all the actual gear upgrades are several divines, so I asked if I should just be buying prisms to increase all the skill gems to 20% quality.
That said, you talk a lot about looting stuff, but do you loot rare items at all? Ever?
Right now I basically don't loot any gear that's not a unique. Otherwise it's just currency, frags, oils, cards, etc.
I've never killed maven on my own, etc. I just like farming for the monies.
Oh I meant noob friendly Atlas Skill Tree really. Right now I'm only putting Atlas points into small nodes to get a map pool going. But I think at some point I should spec into something that gets me League mechanics and such bonuses. I really wish I could farm Blight but I have only seen one map so far drop for that.I am hyper focused on PoE. Not autistic lol. I've put in over 7,000 hours in this game, and yet I can't make my own builds, and I've never killed maven on my own, etc. I just like farming for the monies.
I'm not sure what you mean "noob friendly Atlas build". If you mean what can you play to complete the atlas without huge gear investment, I can tell you I had no problem whatsoever completing the atlas with my Tornado Shot build at league start with no good gear other than a decent bow which I rolled myself with essences. Some maps like bramble valley I cheesed by just rolling a transmute, alteration over and over until I got 1 easy mod, regal into a rare hoping to get another ez mod, then vaaling it hoping it doesnt change. That makes the red map completion really easy for especially difficult maps like bramble valley. This build however, its not a good bossing build. I was still able to kill exarch, and eater with it. However, those first fights for exarch and eater (the sun/ice boss and the one that sucks you in the swamp) I personally find much more difficult than the actual exarch and eater themselves. Again, I did this in the 80s, before I got any of my really good gear, and did this before starting my money farm.
This is the build that I am using, although I added my own tweaks to it: Ranger - [3.23] Tornado Shot Deadeye (Or Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable! - Forum - Path of Exile
Oh I meant noob friendly Atlas Skill Tree really. Right now I'm only putting Atlas points into small nodes to get a map pool going. But I think at some point I should spec into something that gets me League mechanics and such bonuses. I really wish I could farm Blight but I have only seen one map so far drop for that.
Wtf is 8% quality font?If your gear upgrades are several divines, then get to farming divines. I wouldn't buy prisms unless they are cheap, as you will get plenty on your own with farming. Prisms are semi-rare, but if its that important to you, run the lab multiple times and use the 8% quality font. Getting 20% gems are fairly important/easy/good upgrades though. I just personally wouldn't spend money on it because I've always gotten enough.
I never loot non-6 link unidentified rare items once I have a functional set of gear. Before being functional then yes I do, but only the bases for my build. I DO loot 6-link drops, which happen quite frequently. I also loot fractured bows, and quivers to check for additional arrow fracture. I will also loot identified rares that the filter has picked up on -- for example, it will show boots that might have like 30% movement speed with 2 Tier 2 or Tier 1 resists on it, along with life.
Wtf is 8% quality font?
The monkey's paw curls: you have to complete the atlas on each character.Really wish each char had thier own atlas skill points.
Lol reading everyone post back in the thread you really notice how stupid complex this game is. I was just gonna say, I wish I could provide some advice as someone who’s played over 3k hours but there’s still vast swaths of the game I don’t know at all, including any and all things minion related. Sometimes I get an abyss jewel that looks like hot garbage to me and every srs bitch out there starts msging me for it, makes no sense to me.
I've only done each lab once so far but I got 15% from merciless when I did it.I believe 8% quality only shows up in Uber lab as well
Wtf is 8% quality font?
And also, by getting them on your own by farming, do you mean as a raw drop? Or from selling dropped quality skill gems? Cause I don't think I've seen a single one raw drop.
I've only done each lab once so far but I got 15% from merciless when I did it.