What's the radius on the explode? seems pretty large. Looks fun.
Well I have the radius passives in witch and templar, but also using concentrated effect. It does a pretty large aoe when you stack the charges though(each charge adds +2 radius) and proliferation itself which spreads the burning is like even large than the explosion so even if mobs aren't in the explosion, they end up burning and die regardless. Using Explosive, concentrated effect, chance to ignite and elemental proliferation.
Anyway, went to Vaal and died to falling rocks, so well RIP the explosive arrow char. Was 66 with 2.8k health and like 1700armor so figured I'd be alright, should have granited every rocks I guess. I basically got hit twice in a row and wasn't at full health from a rock just before(was potting), and dropped about 2.4k health instantly. Didn't think Vaal would rape so much, guess next time I'll bring Enfeeble and just granite+TP out when he does the rocks. Funny enough I joined a pub to make it easier, and 4 people died. Also just before I was in another vaal group, I got hit by a rock, stunned and then bugged where I couldn't move at all anymore, had to log out to survive.
Edit: Logged back in to check what gear I lost, mostly annoyed at my 38all stats amulet and 30%cold 17%all resist 57health ring and my "powerlvling" boots which were lvl 24 boots with like 50%total resists(like 25cold 15fire 10lightning or something), 57health and 20%movespeed. Rest of my gear was pretty good but not amazing. Anyway decided to go do vaal and see, and yeah even with granite up, I was taking large chunk of dmg on the rocks. Should definitely have leveled an Enfeeble to like lvl 10 at least and used that. Still killed him without dying but came awfully close once when I got hit by rocks while running to a TP to refill my health flasks. Now to figure what to reroll, I kinda liked this char and had plans to try maps at least.