Personally when I get close to levelling I play it safe. If I were you I would run easy maps until you hit 91. Then when you hit 91, take on hard content where you don't mind dying, like your T11 map, uber lab, etc. No worse feeling than getting close to a level only to die and lose hours and hours worth of effort, especially once you get to the post-90 levels.
How did phys and chaos wanders fare better with the ES changes?Ele wanders are probably the only ones who took a decent hit with the ES changes (not sure what kind of ES people are getting with low-life builds and not sure if it's viable without vaal pact any more), phys and chaos based ones are probably still OP.
Why do you think wand is a worse bow build?
You might be able to salvage your character by looking up a sunder build (or whatever) and respeccing into some build-enabling skills and ditching some cruft.So, I reached act 8 now with my self made build without looking anything up.
Bosses destroy me. I have no ranged. I got sunder and molten strike with some gems that make both of those better. Damage comes from elemental attributes and the mix of fire and ice. The regular maps in the acts are very easy, and I can face tank nearly everything there with no problems including unique, but bosses... Got to phase two of the second labyrinth and the boss killed me in a second once it hit. Regular boss before that (forgot name, some lady in a sewer that spit out red balls everywhere) I won by outright just zerg. Die, run in do damage while spamming all my health pots, die, repeat.
Not sure if I continue and hope that I'm just missing a skill or two to make it better or just reroll at this point. I don't see how I can do end game things with this build now considering I do have max resists and not sure how to increase survivability that much.
That said, really enjoyed it. I've gone really slow, exploring all maps and listening / reading all dialogue. Lore and overall voice acting is surprisingly good.
I'm having a bitch of a time with map sustain. Pretty much since the beginning, butKorrupt giving me like 50 of them made it less noticeable of a problem for ~8 extra levels. Basically I do high yellows and low reds and the drops I'm getting are like 90% shit 3-5 levels below what I'm doing. I'm about to the point where I can't sustain anything above T7 (I'm L88 now and not even gaining a level a night with no deaths).
My atlas is at like 60% currently, but afaik that's not even the problem since it's just for determining whether an equal level drop bumps up to a +1 or not. I could fill it out quite a bit more, just haven't gotten around to it since buying 1 map at a time is an unholy pain in the ass.
Not sure what else to do though; I run them all rare but not 20%. I don't bother alt-regaling or scouring to look for ideal mods, I just run what an alch gives me as long as it's not Temporal Chains, because fuck that shit, even ele reflect is less annoying. I've barely shaped anything because I'm still clinging to the dream that I might someday be able to set up at least one sextant block around Racecourse or Dunes. That shouldn't matter though, right? I should still get just as many Tx drops, but they'll just be normal maps?
How did phys and chaos wanders fare better with the ES changes?
They are a worse bow build because:
- No movement skill. Unless you count lightning warp or flame dash, both which are going to have no cast speed benefits.
- No 6 link weapon, so you can't use a Kaom's Heart.
- No King of The Hill.
- Leech nodes far away from wand nodes.
I'm really really dissapointed in GGG for not putting in a blue Kamehameha or purple Galcik Gun spell effect for scorching ray.
Although the coolest would be a shapper effect. Those things are always dope.
Shaper effects are basically printing money for them lol ya
90+ I think the only "fast xp" comes from buying the good maps. I'm 88 and shaped racecourse is serving me well.
Alright, I'll try to get ahold of you tonight if you're around. Leveled from 88 to 89 off mostly T6-T8 last night and it was hell, like 35-40M xp/hr.I have a ton more maps, I throw them all in the bank if you ever need any more its all good. I have a TON of yellow T10's and a few reds left if you guys want packages of like 40 each. I also have about 10 different 5 links that are ilvl 80 so they aren't total shit.
Alright, I'll try to get ahold of you tonight if you're around. Leveled from 88 to 89 off mostly T6-T8 last night and it was hell, like 35-40M xp/hr.
How did phys and chaos wanders fare better with the ES changes?
They are a worse bow build because:
- No movement skill. Unless you count lightning warp or flame dash, both which are going to have no cast speed benefits.
- No 6 link weapon, so you can't use a Kaom's Heart.
- No King of The Hill.
- Leech nodes far away from wand nodes.
You might be able to salvage your character by looking up a sunder build (or whatever) and respeccing into some build-enabling skills and ditching some cruft.
That and using to get some cheap items for an orb of alchemy.
I put off trying to trade until I beat the game and while I don't regret it, it was a mistake from an efficiency perspective. You can get a full set of gear for 1 orb of alchemy per slot. Or bump up to a chaos for a unique that you'll use once you start mapping.
How does not using a Kaom's Heart not make a build worse? You're missing out on a lot of max HP.Phys and chaos wnaders didn't rely on prism guardian to stack up 6-7 auras for their dps from all the builds I saw so all they should have to do is swap from ES gear to life gear. Not using a kaom's heart doesn't make a build bad or worse than a build that uses it... Pathfinder/raider can grab the duelist area leech nodes easily.
"Comparing items with that much currency" but you're mentioning a 6link GG bow and kaoms heart to say why bow char is better?