Got the same thing last night.I don't know but ever since the latest patch when I close the game I get thrown like 100 exceptions that I have to hold enter through.
Got the same thing last night.I don't know but ever since the latest patch when I close the game I get thrown like 100 exceptions that I have to hold enter through.
What do caster builds use for single target? I want a barrage or molten strike, like bow and melee builds get.
Almost 82 with my bow character and I haven't felt the need to spec into VP yet. Reminds me how much this game fucks melee. I think I'm going to stick to melee skills that are either also movement skills(flicker strike, cyclone) or pseudo ranged(sunder, lacerate). Wonder what that actually leaves.
Anyone have Haku level 7?
So I 'finally' (to be fair it only took 15 fusings last night on top of the 450-500 I had already spent, but it sure felt like a 'finally' when it was consuming every bit of currency I picked up) 6L'ed my 40% Belly last night.
Now I'd like to set up a sextant block because even with a pile of mapsKorrupt gave me I'm still only hitting ~45M xp/hr with zero deaths and barely stopping to do anything in between them. I'm still not sure I've 100% got the hang of it. Is this a correct layout for sextant blocking both Racecourse and Primordial Pool?
Bad mods on Crystal Ore, Acid Lakes, Channel, Factory, and Mesa; good mods on Waste Pool and Pit. Do I need to apply the bad mods in a specific order, or is it just adjacent to good then adjacent to first round of bads?
Right, I just went a little extra south to hit Primordial Pool really cheaply as well since it's also a good map and all but 1 of the blocks were 'free' from Racecourse. I'd probably wait to set up on Cells until after I get some more currency built up since it requires a journeyman sextant blocked on Terrace (and isn't it a little risky since you can only block 3 bad mods in total on Cells?), plus Cells itself would be using a journeyman every 3 maps.Looks good maybe even too far south blocking but it still works. If you think in just one layer it's easier, you want as many bad mods on Pit and Cells possible so when you sextant those 2 that buff Racecourse have that many shit mods removed from the pool possible.
I've been playing this since closed beta, quit twice because of that stupid shit. Never seen a 6-link, burned thousands of fusings (most of them before Masters were introduced).
6-link? priviledge
lvl95+? priviledge
high tier maps? priviledge
You are expected to drop cash left and right and suck their dicks, merely playing their game is a priviledge. Collect trash, exchange for slightly less worthless trash, repeat for a few weeks. Burn all your fusings in a couple of minutes, slit wrists.
Speaking of performance, I have no problems, game's flying on max settings (ryzen 1600x and radeon rx 580). The only exception is a zone with the laser spider act boss . Frame rate goes from FPS to SPF while I'm getting closer to the middle section and also while fighting the boss. Still surprised how I managed survive all the stupid aoe while lagging horribly. Maybe I remember it wrong, but I think I had performance problems on the same map before with my old box (they basically copy/pasted one of the old arachnid/spider maps as a new 3.0 zone).
I have 7k health, 20% phys reduction and pretty good damage (can kill kaom in T15 in around 5 seconds).
Can I
a) do guardians
b) do uber atziri
c) do shaper
Obviously I know I can do them with good play, but I'm just wondering my margin of error. What is the difficulty curve in the above?